I decided against late last night as we've not done much loading and travelling with Tilly, so didn't want to to try loading in this wind. She mostly says yes to stuff, but when she says no, tends to big NO and don't want to create an issue where we have none at the moment.
Cinnabar Moth --------------- -----------CF Matilda ----Red House Gaia
Well we got there and the outdoor menage was to say the least horendous as it of coarse was flooded. He was a little stressy but then seemed like he was getting over it but then went indoors and he has not been in one where there was spectator flowers and so on. He got a 7th which was fine as he did have a spin round. Decided we need to put him on a non heating feed as he does seem to get very hot.
Well done to Sue with nora she got a third in the open class