We Have sponsorship for the Ridden and the In-hand Champions for 25.00 each. Also there will be a small prize in every class. Not necessarily for the winner, it will be a "spot" prize drawn on the day.
There is a slight change to the prizes for the Championships. There will be a cash prize for the Novice Ridden Champion and the Pure Bed in Hand Champion. For the other Championships we have had sponsors supplying goods which will be well worth winning.
When I offered the cash prizes it was thought there would be a supreme ridden and supreme In-hand champion but as these appear to be unpopular with the exhibitors there will be no Supreme Championships.
Championships sponsored to date- Novice Ridden and Pure Bred in Hand Champion - cash prize - Equilage have kindly sponsored the Open Ridden Championship - All other classes are as per schedule to date.
We have one remaining overall Championship for sponsorship at the moment, so if anyone would like to sponsor any further Championships we would be only too happy if you contacted the Show Secretary Wendy Marr