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 Easy guide to posting videos
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Posted - 22 Aug 2010 :  11:43:05 PM  Show Profile  Visit Rui's Homepage Bookmark this topic Add Rui to your friends list Send Rui a Private Message
AL supports the posting of videos in posts, just as it supports the posting of images. Whenever posting a picture or video, there are two basic options:

1. Posting the images / videos as linksThis means the viewer will have to click the link and will be directed to the site that hosts it, in order to view the image / video. Although this is possible, as I said, it's not the best way or the preferred way to do it.

2. Embedding the images / videos in your posts
This is the preferred option. When posting the images / videos this way, they will be shown with the post text (if there is any) and the viewer does not need to leave AL to view them

Embedding images is explained in a similar post, also in this forum, but it basically is done posting the link to the image inside our image tags:

[img]Link to the image[/img]

Videos are embedded in a pretty similar way, the difference being that different tags need to be used, depending on the origin or type of video.
AL supports some of the most popular video origins / formats available on the web. You can post YouTube, Photobucker, Flickr, MySpace, Metacafe, Quick Time, Windows Media Video, and Real Video formats.
To post a video, you need to choose the adequate tags for the origin / type of video. This can be easily done using our video tags buttons, located above the post window:

You can put your mouse over each button and see the info shown to determine what type of video is associated with it. Clicking the button will add the video tags associated with the video to your post. These tags can also be added manually. Some examples are:

[tube][/tube] - YouTube video tags
[pbt][/pbt] - Photobucket video tags
[wmv][/wmv] - Windows media video tags

Just as with images, you will need to upload your video file somewhere, before you can use the tags. At this moment, probably the best option is to use YouTube, as it allows for the longest videos (up to 15 min)/ bigger file sizes. Photobucket and flickr are also popular video hosting sites.

Once you have uploaded your video to one of these sites, just grab the link to it and use the link inside the adequate video tag. It's that simple... unless you are using flickr videos. If that is the case, you'd better use our flickr tool, as explained here:

It makes posting flickr videos very easy.

Any questions, just let us know.

How to post flickr photos on AL | How to post photobucket pictures on AL | How to post facebook pictures on AL
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