I bitted Polka a few weeks ago and have been putting it in for everything we do but with the rope halter on top so I've not taken a contact yet
Today I decided to start some groundwork with making a contact but not feeling overly confident about it all tbh and I so want her to have a solid foundation with everything.
Just as I'm about to start, woman from up the road comes down to use the arena next door and introduces none other than Becky Holden!!! As soon as I see 2 mins of her groundwork and from what I've heard about her I knew she was exactly what Polka and I needed at that exact moment! How about that for timing and fate! We ended up with a brilliant session and learned so much.
I've got lots of homework for her coming back. So glad I didn't go ahead myself and she got her first bit contact from an expert and now I can follow it up with confidence.
I also made her a bridle from two different incomplete bridles
I love Becky Holden. I did an inhand clinic with her last year when she was down near me. I have heard she is back again later this year and am hoping to take Eba over. I thought she was great and very patient. I also saw her do some clicker work with someone riding a bay arab and she seemed to be really helping get the most out of him.