you'll improve the more you ride - make sure you aren't reaching for your stirrups and that your leg aids come from your leg, not your heels in a kickback motion.
BUT most people with a great lower leg position stand pigeon toed... check it out on your horsey friends. If they stand toes in, I bet they ride toes straight
- V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq
i used to have this problem on the ponies i used to ride :L haha i was in the school one day and one of the older girls doing some jumps for me got fed up, got some bailing twine, tied it round my girth on each side and pulled my stirrups in to it, it worked i have to say haha you can actually get proper training aids now apparantly that go round your girth to your stirrups. x