Has anyone any experience of these? We have a quad bike so wondered about getting one of the tanks that fits on the back to spot spray or there's one with I think they call a boom which sprays out of jets in a row. Our land is quite steep so not sure this is going to work and they're not cheap so just wondered what everyone's thoughts were. Thanks Sue
Sent you a reply on EGB. We have a 60 litre tank and pump, with lance for spot spraying and a fitting which throws out a 13' wide spray. can only be used with wind speeds under 5mph otherwise you will get drift. Should work as long as you go slow up n down hills when the tank is getting reasonably empty, or the pipe won't be able to pick up the liquid in the bottom of the tank.
Links to commercial sites through PM, please
He will do you a better deal if you buy directly. Similar price in Northern Tools, but out of stock at moment.
I use mine in my 3/4 acre paddock to spray broadleaf weeds.
What is it you are spraying Sue J ? Often cutting weeds down is a better option. Failing that would a local farmer spray for you as this seems a big expense unless you need to spray something very frequently.
We do get the fields topped but we have loads of nettles and thistles which multiply if they're not kept on top of. I don't intend to kill everything just large patches that are taking over some of the fields. I may well just get someone in to do it next year but it is always difficult because we normally have sheep on grazing but have decided to give them a miss next year, fed up of them knocking fencing down and the mess they make everywhere, so thought next year would be good year to get on top of the weeds. Sue
I am looking at these too.....I have decided to go for the 95ltr & 10ft actual boom as opposed to spray nozzles. Not only for thistles etc...from adjoining farmer! Also for soluble seaweed dressing so as to be able to dress field by field rather than 'blanket' spraying. This way I should be able to stagger turnout in different fields rather than having anyone standing in due to spraying. I do think that paddling your own canoe is easier than being at the mercy of a contractor.
We have just bought a northern star sprayer for our quad. We have yet to use so will have to let you know. If you look at the feed back you can't go wrong!!!
A bit of advice when spraying from a boom make sure you are totally covered in a protective suit, along with face mask etc. A couple of years ago I was spraying with a face mask but my arms were exposed and ended up quite badly poisoned as the spray was absorbed through my skin. Never again