Just been up to my eyes in work/childcare blah blah and now have massive family wedding coming up wiht loads of people coming to stay from Australia then on holiday and so I will disappear again until the end of August I fear .
The little fella is gorgeous! I'm bringing him back to live with K again soon as I think he has learnt a fair bit about living in a herd but mostly I just desperately miss him even though he is only 10 mins away. I'm finding it very difficult getting to two different places everyday and will only get worse in the winter.
Really hoping she will welcome him with open hooves and not go all grumpy with him as I know mares are wont to do !
Kuraishiya (Maleik el Kheil/Kazra el Saghira) and Sahara Bey (Kuraishiya/WSA Charismma)