it is indeed ironic because people who choose to show in the modern way have all been typecast here. its a shame that there is a witch hunt going on for a group of people when the "modern" show scene accept tha others may wish to be different.
I wouldn't have said it's a witch-hunt. I saw this discussion just as another option for ordinary Arab owners who aspire to do well in showing but can't, or don't want to, show in the modern American way.
The pen can be a double edged sword . What may have appeared to be a positive PR release from Wessex has come across as a negative against the Arab owner in general One should be careful.
oops goodness! when I posted this I hadnt meant this to upset or have a dig at anyone - I think Roseanne's last comment rings true - that there is a option for people that dont feel comfortable showing their arab in the american way. True, not everyone can make wessex but if you can then maybe there really IS something for everyone which is very rewarding when you get to the showground after a long journey - enjoy the day! one other reason I shared this story is because surely it potrays how important the 'outside' world see us - showing is a professional pastime it shouldnt be ridiculed and we shouldnt get laughed at! I for one was so impressed by the expertise of handlers at my first visit to Towerlands last yr the communication between horse and handler is brilliant yes , there one a few I wanted to take the whip off!!(the impatient ones!) But most are kind and very skilled amazing to watch - however as we know not everyone understands why we show the way we do - I personally want to be able to hold my head up ( not my horses) when I say I own a arabian horse and I show - and not get people rolling their eyes and tutting!( we all know the type!) so do I think it was a good article good for the breed? Yes - communication is the way forward and perhaps we will more admired and understood - as my boss says ( he is a racehorse owner & breeder ) 'the damage is done for arabs' I hope he is wrong sazzle x