Is anyone a memeber of an area British Riding Club with your Arab? what do you do? Any stories tips etc looking at joining next year with Bahcardi, And would be area 20 by all accounts
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."
I am a member of Lanark Riding Club (area 1) and they are VERY Arab friendly. We do mainly dressage as they have a league of 8 competitions every year. They also have a showing show in the summer with both Pure & part bred classes
Zak has won the elementary dressage league this year (got a lovely rug) and also the pure bred Arab dressage league. Yesterday we represented the club at the Area 1 team dressage. Our team came third and we were the only team with two pure bred Arabs on it
To be honest, I tried a bit of everything on Pasha and no-one ever commented on the fact that I was on a pure bred other than to congratulate me on how stunning he was!
We've done mainly dressage and represented the club at the Area 10 dressage qualifier in boths teams and individual! We've had a go at the clinics - dressage & jumping, and last year we did Le Trec for the first time! It was such a laugh and everyone was very supportive!
I was on the Committee for a few years as the Membership Secretary and thoroughly enjoyed it! Can't wait to introduce Shesky properly to the other members
There are two riding clubs in my area, i have been attending dressage training which is on fortnightly until Jan, and in Dec the SJ training starts, i cant afford to be a member of both so usually rotate my membership between the two every year.
I gave up with mine as either all the training was in the week (I don't think a lot of the members work) or I got criticised for having an Arab. I might join again next year and see how we get on.
I am a member of my local riding club and over summer took my arab, the classes were a mix of pure,part and anglo. So this time I have gone to the agm and asked to split the classes and they are now doing this so we will have a pure bred in hand and ridden. Just hope it gets support.