Hi, I have just seen an old post from you concerning a horse you used to own approx 20 years ago, Ilderim. Just to let you know I still have him, he is retired now but doing well. If you see this and want any more info let me know.
Fantastic, great to hear of oldies not being moved on in their twilight years.
Kharidian (Prince Sadik x Khiri)........ Alkara Cassino (H Tobago x Rose Aboud) aka "Roger".................................... aka "Chips" The first image is from an original painting by Pat Shorto.
Wow! I know this post is a year old, hopefully I can message you but thank you! I owned Ilderim when he was a 5 year old stallion and had him gelded at 6. He was my first Arab and had the most wonderful temperament.
I logged in by chance as I've started riding again after a 10 year break. Had to browse my favourite forum and saw this!
I'm so happy to hear about him, I've never forgotten him.