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Platinum Member
United Kingdom
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Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 8:02:16 PM
It's OK asking for Stallions of Influence but I personally feel MARES pay a much more important part of a horses make - up. So let's hear it for the girls  Let's really dig deep and find the tap-root of all our wonderful horses
 photos:Anthony Reynolds,Sweet,Deano,Real Time Imaging |
Edited by - Jingo on 09 Nov 2005 8:03:21 PM
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1195 Posts |
Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 9:51:28 PM
Well, the Blunt imports have to be some of the most important mares in the make-up of today's horses. Innumerable horses of Spanish, British, Russian, Egyptian and American bloodlines trace back to these horses.
Some of those whose lines still exist (I think):
 Bint Helwa - her female tail line traced to Ghazieh, a seglawieh jedranieh of Ibn Sudan, desert bred.
Bint Bint Nura, chestnut, foaled 1885, imp. 1897.
 Dajania - imp. 1878 - bay keheileh dajanieh, foaled 1876, bred by Mohammed Pasha.
 Queen of Sheba - An abeyeh sherrakieh, foaled 1875, bred by the Gomussa tribe, imported 1879
 Rodania - chestnut keheilet ajuz, foaled in 1869, bred by Ibn Rodan of the Roala tribe, imp. 1881
 Sherifa - Hamdanieh Simrieh, foaled about 1862 in Nejd. purchased in 1878
 Sobha - grey hamdanieh simrieh, foaled in 1879. She was by Wazir out of Selma (not to be confused with her daughter of the same name from 1894). Sobha was imported 1891 and sold to Russia in 1899.
 Hagar - grey keheilet ajuz, foaled in 1872, bred by the Anazeh - imported 1878
Ferida - bay managhieh hedrujieh of Ibn Sbeyel, foaled in 1886, bred by the Shammar - imported in 1891.
 Basilisk - seglavieh of Ibn Ed Derri, foaled in 1875, imported 1878.
Anne |

I Do What I Can and I Am What I Am - Fay Weldon |
Edited by - Anfi on 18 Nov 2005 10:41:12 AM |
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Posted - 09 Nov 2005 : 10:14:29 PM
Yes Anne and what a fantastic group they are, just think of the dynasty they have each created.
Special mention must go to another mare Mammona

Mammona produced 18 Foals begining in 1943 at age 4. Produced each year until her death in Jan. 1961 at age 22. All of her daughters were used at Tersk but one who was deceased (Manita). This very special female walked the 1800 kilometers (about 1100 miles) from Janow Podlaski in Poland to Tersk Stud in Russia as a foal, at the side of her dam.
What a dynasty she has also created. |
 photos:Anthony Reynolds,Sweet,Deano,Real Time Imaging |
Edited by - Jingo on 09 Nov 2005 10:15:14 PM |
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Libby Frost
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Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 12:24:54 AM
No great surprises from me I'm afraid! The most important/significant mares for me are(in no particular order ) Rodiana, Bint Helwa, Moniet El Nefous, Farida and this one
 Malikah (Ghazal X Malacha)
Mike |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 08:46:03 AM
I do agree with you Jude , but the reason I started the stallions was to find the most prolific for a topic in our new Magazine, so now you have found out you wont be thinking I am doing it willy nilly! maybe we will have an article on mares of distintion next time around, meanwhile lets hear it for the mares . and of course great stallions have to have a mother and a father! | |
Edited by - LYNDILOU on 10 Nov 2005 08:48:13 AM |
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Gold Member
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887 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2005 : 11:59:34 AM
Both Stallions and Mares can be like works of art and like a lot of great artists their work sometimes is appreciated more after they are gone, Spotting the great one when they are alive and producing, is the good breeders goal, We have a young mare Snow Dove who us already our personal mare of distinction Her first three fillies have thrilled us,And the buzz of picking her mates and the wait for the foal is the reason we breed, The next step is to breed with Zeezeetop and the wait will she breed as good as mam maybe not, One thing show results will be forgotten but these great mares offspring will not treasure them and love them they are our childrens future, I am having a day dreaming sort of time helps me get through the rain Dream on i say D ragon
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Posted - 11 Nov 2005 : 9:29:27 PM
Nick, it is refreshing that you have a passion for your "special mares of distinction". The thrill of seeing the offspring and choosing new mates for them is what keeps us all enthralled.
I agree with you, show wins and awards are great fun but they are so soon forgotton.
I stand by praising the female line - your super mare Snow Dove has a wonderful tail female line - tracing back to Bint Helwa/Helwa/Horra/Ghazieh/Ghazala - the same as Silver Scenario. Added to this El Saleem's tail female to Sobha/Selma and Imad's tail female to Dajania WOW.
Enjoy the passion
 photos:Anthony Reynolds,Sweet,Deano,Real Time Imaging |
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Posted - 11 Nov 2005 : 11:03:47 PM
Hi Jude what makes her so special is the Personal stamp she as put on her "girls" They all have her little "ways" I wish more people would breed and forget about looking at a Mare purely on show results, Jude her daughters are by Assad,Gai Radiant,Muajahl,And we are about to cover her with Sanadik El Shaklan, To any of these Stallions share much with Snow Dove in their tail female lines, Jude we are getting in deep here but that what makes breeding so interesting Love D ragon |
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Platinum Member
1957 Posts |
Posted - 12 Nov 2005 : 2:24:25 PM
Would anyone like to contribute to the Arabianlines magazine. We would really like to have articles on stallions and mares of yester-year, and there seem to be many highly knowledgeable folk here. |
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Posted - 12 Nov 2005 : 5:44:05 PM
Jingo Have emailed you, but the first one has wrong user name!Must be the forth coming new moon! |
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Libby Frost
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Posted - 12 Nov 2005 : 6:12:38 PM
Don't be tempted to use the link here it does'nt work. |
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Bronze Member
72 Posts |
Posted - 17 Nov 2005 : 5:09:36 PM
Wow, I didn't really know much about our mares breeding until yesterday except that we bought her as a filly when our other horse had to be destroyed. Through A/E I was able to look at her pedigree and low and behold her great, great, great grandma was Mammona - didn't mean much to me until I read your message.
XX Jacqui |
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Posted - 23 Nov 2005 : 09:47:33 AM
Maybe she is not that importent donīt know, but I would be happy to see a picture of Dafina, I know that there are one in Peter Uptons books .
Also if anybody can tell me about the El Krush strain as it seems to me that they are very rare nowadays.
My mares Mead and Martini has this strain as the female line.
Thank You Gunni. |
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Racing Moderator
932 Posts |
Posted - 19 Dec 2005 : 10:34:09 AM
For me the Russian mare Sapina is a mare of distinction as she is in the pedigrees of so many good race horses. Her daughter Stihia produced notably sires Sambist and Artist, whilst her grand daughter Viola produced the incredible race horse Vadeer who beat so many good French breds in Dubai.
Cinders would also have to get a mention as she started a superb racing dynasty, her daughter Cider With Rosie produced good race horses in Caravel and Celtus and also Champion race broodmare Cikada -dam of multiple race winners CS Comete (listed winner and owned by me), CS Al Wahed (Group 2 winner), Carrack (Group 2 winner)and CS Clarion (Diera Stakes winner). Cinders is also the great grand mother on the dam side of Padron sire of the illustrious Padron Psyche!
I agree with Jude the dam line is of the utmost importance, a strong dam line is mandatory and one that has produced consistently good off spring in whatever field is an asset to any stud. Jane Kadri's foundation mare Maysuna is a great example as she produced many good race horses as well as being Res BNC including Maya, Maymunah (also won showing in UAE), Maiyza, Mais and Manisa. The last named Manisa produced Rawnq who won racing and is now advanced endurance and has also produced a race winner in Espace, Manisa is also the dam of my mare Barryh - who won twice and is an exceptionally good producer. One of the main reasons I bought Barryh was because she was from the Maysuna dam line (her exceptional movement, race form and wonderful temperament being the others)!
Sorry these are a bit modern!
Paul Zayin Arabian Stud |
Paul |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 19 Dec 2005 : 12:14:18 PM
When I posted stallions of influence it was in no way to belittle the dam lines which we ALL know to be very important, it was to find through study and input from all those who had input to give, THE most influential stallion of all time if indeed there was one This was to be featured in an article in our own arabianlines magazine.
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