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Platinum Member

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Posted - 05 Jul 2004 :  11:00:05 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add sub to your friends list Send sub a Private Message

Hi All...

Does anyone know why people have to make comments behind others backs on anonymous forums?
This is something that really grates at me as I have been an indirect casualty of this type of thing recently.
A friend of mine is a regular target.

My comments to these people are that they are cowards who do not have the guts to confront the person they are critisising.and probably don't even know what they are talking about.

I have always been a take me as you find me person who speaks her mind. I tell it like it is and face the consiquences

Who else has been a target - or thinks they may have been

Thankfully it doesn't happen on here, or if it has the post has been removed very quickly.

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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  10:40:18 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Serin's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Serin to your friends list Send Serin a Private Message
I think where there are sites that you dont have to register there will always be this kind of thing happening . Take it with a pinch of salt they dont know you personally . To be honest i have said this before forums such as that pull in the crowds if you dont like the anon nasty's dont visit the site .
Stick with here Susan where you know answers are real be it a good or bad reply !!

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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  11:40:13 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Vera to your friends list Send Vera a Private Message
Susan, I can understand exactly what you are saying. I used to write on another forum quite a lot but someone from this forum went on there anonomously and completely assassinated me. I know who it is because the moderator helped me (I know a lot of people including the person who runs that particular site) and this person has never met me. I got really upset to because all I have ever tried to do is help people and promote the Arab breed.

I am an open book type person, like you say what you see is what you get and couldn't (and still can't) understand what on earth it was about me that incurred such a hate campaign.

Vera and Dennis


Edited by - Vera on 06 Jul 2004 12:41:00 PM
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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  12:12:56 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Eunette's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Eunette to your friends list Send Eunette a Private Message
I just put it down to jealousy...people disliking the fact that others have a different opinion to them and do things differently - maybe even getting better results from their horses from their methods get these replies - I lurked on one of the sites but when a certain Stallion that I had once worked with came under attack I couldn't help but step in and defend him - Now if I go on and see the whole arab threads going down the pan with awful comments I just go on and post for the original poster to post their question on here - where everyone has to register and so they know who they are talking to and that the person who replies to the thread does actually reply with the intention of being helpful...I am not sure if they do or not - but there you go sometimes I just can't help it. I feel people can be so unfair by going on and giving abuse without giving a name. These sites have made it clear they won't change so I visit them less and less.

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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  1:16:05 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add angel2002 to your friends list Send angel2002 a Private Message
There is a simple answer.....DON'T bother with the other site!

A few people on here have been at the receiving end of some evil comments made on a certain 'intellegent' site. Keep away from it, at least on here you will get a constructive, honest answer and a name with a reply.

Angel 'aka' Mandy Burgess

Passion Arabians
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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  2:11:40 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Arabmare to your friends list Send Arabmare a Private Message
Me and my friends have been in that situation too, I know it was someone that came on here or another forum as they knew too much, like my email address and website and little things! Slagging off my friends Black stallion and us when we were in a crisis and needed help and saying horrid things about my mares! But hey I just ignored it and never bothered posting on the forum again but would just like to know why someone would go to all that bother when they dont even know the person personally?!

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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  2:13:06 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add zoew37 to your friends list Send zoew37 a Private Message
The problem with the people that make the comments is that they never really grew up. They will quite easily judge you without knowing you, they hide behind computer screens, phones, and other people, they dont want to take the time to know you, but would rather just slate you, cos it is easier doing that than just saying "hello". Once they finish slagging off your horses they will slag of your riding. At the end of the day these people are nothing but cowards and bullies, and they are everywhere, they were the bully at school, work, a so-called friend, they just have different faces everytime they pop up into your life.
I have been on the recieving end of some of these anon posts, i think i knew who was writing it but i didnt know what to do about, i thought about confronting them, but then realsied what is the point, it aint going to stop them, they are not going to change. They will still see me as what they want to see me as, not for the person i really am. So i decided let them have their little conversations, let them slag me off, because at the end of the day im the better person, i wiped my slate clean they should do theirs as well.

Edited by - zoew37 on 06 Jul 2004 2:17:39 PM
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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  3:07:15 PM  Show Profile  Visit Wyllow's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Wyllow to your friends list Send Wyllow a Private Message
Hi Susan,
You won't have been the first, or unfortunately, the last to get "comments" made by people without the nerve to stand up and be recognised on certain other sites.

Here, our "real" identities are our safeguard and IT WORKS!!!

I've been here for ages now and I don't think I've ever heard a negative remark made about anyone...except, of course, those "anonymous" attackers on particular sites, especially those that claim to be "intelligent".

Moral of this story :~ simple ~ don't go there any more!

This is a great place to meet friends, swap info, ask for advice and support and share and learn...or just have a good laugh or a good old moan!

Thing is, we all know who the other people are and that's what keeps it safe and sincere!!!

Ignore these stupid people who won't even put a name to their remarks....the fact that no one will claim them renders them pointless as opinions anyway, if you think about it!

Pull up a pew and spend some more time with us...we don't kick or bite....and we keep our vices under control...well, online at least!!! :lol


Nicci Hamilton
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Posted - 06 Jul 2004 :  9:11:54 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add sub to your friends list Send sub a Private Message
Thanks everyone.

I haven't actually been on the intelligent site, but thats where the posts were made.

I don't care what people think about me or my horses. I was blessed to have bred a wonderful anglo stallion who is now on loan to a wonderful rider who is doing him justice. If other people don't like her or my horse then tough. Plenty of people loved him down south and he has a fan club both here and in Scotland!

I've been an AL'er for ages now and post replies to peoples queries and try to help when I can. I am happy that I can find out a little about those who use the site and that no anon comments can be made.

I say - If you have a comment about someone/something then be brave enough to do it and put your name to it, rather than hiding behind a computer where its all safe, warm and cuddly!!!
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Posted - 07 Jul 2004 :  08:04:17 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add joan to your friends list Send joan a Private Message
I'm sorry why people attack you or anyone else without reason, but I for one appreciate any help I can get from friends here on AL.

I replied to one of your earlier messages on "hobby or job" as I was interested on how you managed to produce a ridden stallion from the ground, without riding, and only working him once a week.

Due to working full time, like many others here, I can only work my horses 3 x week in winter and then only briefly, so any tips you have on how to produce them for the ridden show ring (and in hand) with limited amount of time/resource would be grately appreciated.

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Posted - 07 Jul 2004 :  10:27:38 AM  Show Profile  Send s.jade an AOL message  Click to see s.jade's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add s.jade to your friends list Send s.jade a Private Message
I guess you are one of the elite now then being slagged of by an un-named person on certain sites
(Long running joke lol)
I've had it too - apparently my stallion has no type, crooked legs and is in some people's eyes useles...and they feel they must tell me this over and over again.
I had the same as Arabmare, was accused of being a dealer when I tried to loan out my outgrown pony, and had the most hilarious comments made regarding my age, girls, and stallions
Don't take it to heart.

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Posted - 07 Jul 2004 :  7:03:03 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add sub to your friends list Send sub a Private Message
Hi Joan

Email me at

I will give you the low down on how I did it and help as much as I can

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AL Admin

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Posted - 09 Jul 2004 :  7:44:05 PM  Show Profile  Visit Admin's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Admin to your friends list Send Admin a Private Message

We have decided to remove certain posts to maintain the integrity of the thread.

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Posted - 10 Jul 2004 :  4:14:54 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add nix to your friends list Send nix a Private Message

I've been the target on the site you mention as well, sometimes I keep away from all the boards for a while because of this.

It can be very unpleasant and there does seem to be a lot of jealousy and back-biting on that particular site. It can also be informative and there are some nice regulars on there. However, some rather spiteful people hide behind the anonymity the board offers. I don't think some people over there realise how incredibly hurtful it can be.

I didn't see the thread you were mentioned in and I rarely read Arabian posts on there, as some "contributors" can't seem to resist being nasty. I would say try to ignore it though Sub, it always backfires and they only make themselves look stupid!

Nix Approved supplier of HM products, riding instructor & schooling services. Hire/consultation service for new HM treeless saddles.
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