Ok peeps, I have a confession to make... When I first came on here I was totally confused as to what OH's were. I thought it was a horsey term I hadn't heard of of some secret code I was not yet privvy to!! I noticed most of you had one and I thought I didn't! Then FINALLY the penny dropped!! Not only did I now know what they were,I had one too!!I could now make sense of everything!! Nolonger did I ponder the threads including what I thought could be: OLD HATS ODD HOOVES OUT-MODED HELICOPTERS OTHER HORSES ON HEAT ON HIGH ORANGE HELMETS ODD HIPS OLD HIPS ODD HOCKS OLD HIM-UP-THE-ROAD
I could go on!!.............. Yours embarressedly Mittens...aka feckin eeedyot
No chance of that Montikka...I'm beyond redemption!! I don't like the new text speak things really, although Mum thinks she's 'down with the kids'(god knows why she bothers as I'm 35 and the only one she texts to any degree), as she does abbreviations......she leaves all the flippin vowels out!! Takes a while but you can decipher them in the end!!i.e. JST GNG T HRSS,GV THM HYLG,THY FN ND LKD CRRTS!!
Reminds me of when we started riding - OH would buy me H&H on a Saturday and I would read it from cover to cover and wonder what a WHP, TB or GSD might be!
I have it on good authority that a certain American computer company was going to create a position in their UK operation to be known as Apple Regional Sales Executive...
And we absolutely will not go into detail as to what Newcastle (on) Tyne Poly decided to call itself when it became a University...and had got as far as printing the letterheads before the unfortunate acronym was pointed out to them...let us just say they were going to be the Central University ******* ****
So glad it not just me!! Love the uni one! Aaaand, does anyone else doothe smily thing?? Like when you read a smily or post one you automatically do the face?! And think everyone looks like that!!!No? Oh......