don't panic - lice at this time of yr will be seen on any neddy that's a bit below par - oldies and youngsters especially. Check your boy out thoroughly - part hair and inspect - lice are sort of cream/brown streaky things and mobile, the eggs are tiny white ovals. Look closely under his mane, under his forelock. Easily treatable with powders and worming if he has any. Treat rugs etc too. But you might find they don't fancy him! One of our old ladies used to get them just before the big moult - she was grey and would be itchy/rolly for about 10days, then shift them (aided by us and treatment too). The rest of the gang (up to 19 others in same herd) never got them... and we checked - a LOT!!!
- V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq
phew thanks...Well vet had a peek as he was on yard anyway and he is clear, think i am just have to separate him from his new girlfriend for a bit whilst she gets treated. She is 30! pba really cute, didn't realise my lad liked em that old,
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened."