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Posted - 20 Jan 2009 :  9:02:10 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add Holly to your friends list Send Holly a Private Message
what would you do if one of your horses injured its self but had treatment so that the injury was almost as good as new and you started training the horse again but it was sluggish/lazy/not forward going but then when you were out hacking and you turn for home the horse went forward and seemed normal again? ive had the vet re check her every 6 weeks after the treatment and ive had a chiropractor out twice since october who found lots of things wrong but is working on them. Ive got her on cortaflex and started her training with lots of walking hacks, she doesnt sweat but doesnt like to go faster than a walk enless she choses to.
She will never be her normal self because of the injury and ive come to terms with that.
The thing is i didn't do that much with her before the injury so i don't really know if she was forward going or lazy before. also the vet reckons thats she had the injury for a long time and it wasnt until her symptoms gradually got worse that i noticed. the vet even said that she could have had the injury from before i brought her but didnt show any signs of pain until a few years later. who knows.

Maybe if i give her more time and more treatments and exercise shewill improve. its a long waiting game.

so frustrating though!
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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 :  09:49:14 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Dot to your friends list Send Dot a Private Message
If there is nothing physically wrong then it is mental. She is either taking the pee or mentaly finding the separation from field partners uncomfortable.

Have you tried hacking her out in company to see how she behaves?


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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 :  10:10:09 AM  Show Profile  Click to see precious's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add precious to your friends list Send precious a Private Message
My mare will hack out really calm going out with me actually having to use my legs which is very weird. The min we turn in a direction of home she wakes up and praces the whole way back. She is in no discomfort its mental for her she knows we are on way back to yard which sadley means i got a very uncomfortable ride back

Gemma Thompson
Birmingham West Midlands
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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 :  1:37:44 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add nikki to your friends list Send nikki a Private Message
my gelding is a right plodder on his own, but when he's out with others he's very lively, everything is a race.
whats keeta like in company holly?

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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 :  1:45:26 PM  Show Profile  Visit Nedds71's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Nedds71 to your friends list Send Nedds71 a Private Message
Sounds like she needs time to develop to me, and maybe some company hacking out when avialable.


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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 :  5:50:53 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add shah to your friends list Send shah a Private Message
Mine does this all the time, he's a big wus who doesn't like leaving the others behind. He's also very lazy unless he loves what he's doing so will plod in company too, unless we're doing an endurance ride and the game is to go fast. The only thing that ever changed him was when he was fit enough to do 40+ miles and feeling really well in himself.

Keep at it, try to vary the route, and hack out in company would be my suggestions. Good luck, you're obviously trying to do the best for her

West Sussex
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Posted - 21 Jan 2009 :  11:52:49 PM  Show Profile  Visit aliphi's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add aliphi to your friends list Send aliphi a Private Message
We're all saying the same! My mare is quiet on 'known' routes until you turn for home then jogs but in a different area or in company she's a complete pain. They like a change of scenery . if she's had time off due to injury she's got used to being with her pals in the field too. Having said that, my mare was nappy when I got her which I put down to purely not having built up any trust with me.

Try just leading her out in hand until she has more confidence in you. Now I can take my Arab absolutely anywhere because she knows I would never put her in danger. Good luck, it'll be well worth persevering.
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Posted - 22 Jan 2009 :  9:14:18 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Holly to your friends list Send Holly a Private Message

She doesnt mind going out and leaving the others at all. in fact shes better when its just me and her. I ride out with my friends most weekends and she walks about 20 meters behind them. When i ask her to walk faster she either brakes into trot as if she finds it too difficult to walk faster. she takes little short steps. and when trotting she also takes little short steps and almost drags her back feet along the ground. On her own she will trot faster and will even sometimes do an extended trot but not very often. When i ask her to canter she will swish her tail and put her ears back and put her head down low and just trot faster rather than canter. when shes had enough of trotting or cantering she will go back to walk on her own accord and no matter how much i ask her to keep going she just does what she likes.
in the field she will race around with the other playing and bucking and snorting and dancing but rarely when im on her to i get that araby energy.

She doesnt have shoes on at the moment so i might try putting some fronts on and ive had to start riding with a whip to hep aid my legs as my legs get really sore from pushing her on. But when we turn for home she will act like a normal horse and walk or trot with out much persuasion.

any ideas?
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susan p
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Posted - 22 Jan 2009 :  9:37:39 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add susan p to your friends list Send susan p a Private Message
Hi Holly have you had her saddle checked recently?
Happy would walk out slowly but canter back,for his dinner,if I let him,think thats quite normal.I have just had a new saddle fitted and the difference is amazing,worth a try.
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the ways its animals are treated
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Posted - 23 Jan 2009 :  10:29:30 AM  Show Profile  Visit aliphi's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add aliphi to your friends list Send aliphi a Private Message
Now I've read that I agree with susan p. Get her saddle/back checked. I've got a Connie that goes mental in the field and belts around but won't let me even mount her without a fuss (new horse this xmas). I got vet to check her and she trots up fine inhand but is lame under saddle. Perhaps your mare's trying to tell you something too. Hope you get to the bottom of it.... springs coming/lighter evenings etc!
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Posted - 23 Jan 2009 :  1:36:43 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Holly to your friends list Send Holly a Private Message
I had a saddle fitted to her 16 months ago before the injury and then she had 9 months off and got really really fat! when i was given the go ahead to start riding her again in september/october her saddle no longer fitted so ive been doing all of her training bareback since then. about 2 weeks ago i put her saddle back on and it is fitting better so i took her out for a short hack in the saddle and it made no difference to the way she acted or the lack of energy.
ive also had a chiropractor coming out every 6-8 weeks since september who founds lots of tightness in the shoulder that she injured herself on and the hip/pelvis on the same side and in her head/cranial areas but her back was fine.

She is still relativley young, she will be 9 in April and i brought her as an unbacked 4 year old and she was my first youngster so i did everything really slowly with her as i was learning at the same time. she was never a problem with me riding her and she was more forward back then but never what i expected an arab to be like. We have a great partnership and she will follow me anywhere, she is the soppiest, most loving horse that i have ever met who just adores attention and she is my ittle princess. Knowing my luck she probably injured herself as a youngster and no one would have realised until it came to ride her and work her and me being inexperienced with breaking horses in i wouldnt have picked up on any problems. infact it wasnt until i brought my 2nd arab and started riding her that i realised that something was wrong.

Something else that has been made apparent since the injury is that she is slightly pigeon toed, ive only noticed it since she had her shoes off for the 9 months rest and you can clearly see the wear on the hoofs.

She loves going out hacking and will happily walk for miles without me having to push her, her ears are always *****ed and shes alert but just doesnt want to go much faster. Even when i have taken her with a group of horses to the beach or somewhere for a good canter she bolts off after them for the first few strides then starts bucking and will then go from a bucking canter to a stand still even if the others are miles ahead, she doesnt care.

the chiropractor is coming out again in feb so i will have a good chat with her.

Holly x
does anyone know of any horse back massagers in cornwall?

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Posted - 26 Jan 2009 :  1:41:20 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Holly to your friends list Send Holly a Private Message
Just found out some interesting info on Russian bred arabians. Apparently they have a very short stride which could be why my mares appears to be so slow and short strided compared to my crabbet mare. didn't even think about how bloodlines may affect her movement! you learn something new every day

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