If there is anybody who knows the where abouts of singrette keala can you please contact me on the following number please 0161.628.9872 or 07969.707680 my name is david saunders i would be very greatful waiting for replies yours
Hello Ray I'm sorry i don;t know where your horse is but i thought it interesting that my horse is called Singrett Kaziler. Haven't come accross a similar name yet. Good luck. Carmen
Hello Ray. The name Jean Swords rings a bell actually but i don't have to hand the full breeding history of my mare other than her Dam was Kazmok and her Sire was Kaleb. Apparently she was bred by Crabbit. Not the original Farm of course but I am very new to this pure breed thing and it all gets a little bit long winded . It is interesting to find out what you have said about the singrett line though. Good luck with your quest. Best wishes. carmen
Hej are you sure the name is Keala and notKalea? If so it is a grey stallion born 1986 by mrs,J Sword out of KalebxKazmok Indian King is the grandfather.Gunni hope it helps , the other name is not in the database
hello all. Hey dosen't that mean that Singrett Kalea is my mares younger brother. She is also out of Kazmok and Kaleb. She was born in 1985, she is also grey. That would mean that she is davids mares aunt or great aunt. Isn't the world a small place.
It's funny because when i got my beautiful girl from her feild there was a Stallion just like her there but i never found out much about him he was in a bit of a state with servere dehydration and hunger due to the owner dieing and no-one being able to deal with him. All the horses were like it, through ignorance and not cruelty i might add. I think the family sold him up the road from them to a chap for about £700. i could find some more out about him to see if it is him. Carmen
I am sorry but I have lost the trail of the stallion. He has been sold on a few times and no-one can locate him now. All the documents belonging to the late sister about her horses where destroyed and the family don't have a clue what his name was. Sorry about any dissapointment but it may not have been him after all. Best wishes for your search Carmen
Hello Ray Could you please help me. I am trying to get a number or address for Jean Swords and I see that you have been in contact. It would be great if you could forward some contact info on her. Thanks very much Carmen