I've bought a new girth to try and accomodate Freddies forward girthline. It's moonshaped or "swung" One edge is a crescent shaped curve and other the edge is curved with 2 leg shaped cut outs. (Hope that makes sense) I have been using it with the moonshaped curve towards his head as that places the buckles towards his butt. However my NH instructor says it should be the other way, moonshaped curve towards his butt and shaped pieces toward his legs.
Does anyone else use one of these gizmo's and what is correct please?
It's a torsion girth so yesterday I emailed them. Got a whole load of contradictary blurb back saying it's not one of theirs and no mention of which way it goes.
Then emailed Robinsons and bless them - they have gone back to the manufactures and can confirm that the long curve faces forwards to position the buckles further back.