My PBA has been quite stiff recently and I think she has arthritis, I have been told not to spend loads of money on horse joint supplements but to get gluocosamine from the pharmacist. I was wondering is there anyone else who does this?, and how much should give a day.
Cortaflex or one of the other brands, is well worth a the label it will give you full info. My 23year old, went great on this brand, rode like a 6 year old... Sue
My24 year old has been on Cortaflex (should say its the slightly cheaper one) for nearly a month and am so pleased with the way she is going, she has 30grs. a day for month and then 15gms for maintainance. Had been quite stiff behind but this morning nearly had me off cause a tree looked odd in the wind. As you can see I highly recommend it.