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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4301 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 8:09:03 PM
Pony you rode? Mine was a notoriously cheeky black 10.2hh shetland pony by the name of Captain. He used to tow the riding school helpers to the nearest blade of grass & proceed to stuff his face, oblivious to the tugging & hauling..and the fact that his saddle was sliding over his withers & up his neck! RI used to throw clods of mud at his bum...usually resulting in small child plopping onto the floor! But I LOVED him...even if he did make my ill fitting hat bang on the bridge of my nose with his bouncy trot
       Claire & Sunny x |
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Gold Member
621 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 8:23:37 PM
I think he was called Nealy and he was prob tiny but to me he was tower farm riding school Edinburgh...I was about 4.. |
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Judith S
Platinum Member
15686 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 8:34:00 PM
Its so long ago now!!! I rode cousins ponies from a young age - but two of the first & most horrid ponies I remember riding at home belonged to friends - both were bay & Welshie sorts - one was called Dunrod - terribly lazy & had to be led everywhere otherwise he just grazed & took no notice of his jockey! The other was a bay mare called Kitty - should have been called Kicky as that was what she did best! |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
1802 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 8:54:05 PM
A grey, aged pony of unknown breeding by the name of Pickle. I was about 4 years old. It was love!!! |

Photo 2: West End Photography |
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Silver Member
299 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 8:54:40 PM
There is a photo pf me aged 4 ish sitting on some bay pony at a village fete. I didn't "ride" again until i was 9 when my pony had a strawberry roan mare for Christmas. She was called Nina and she was a total saint. |
 Pics of Smartie Pants by mattymoo ~~~ Penllyn Pirate ~~~~~Phoenix Boy |
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Mrs DJ
Gold Member
 632 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 9:12:12 PM
A pony called Shandy at our riding school.
He was a little s*d, and could buck for England. You knew you were considered fairly capable when you were allowed to ride him off leadrein!!   |
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susan p
Gold Member
915 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 9:33:27 PM
I feel really bad about this now,but I used to sneak into our neighbouring farmers field and ride his chestnut arab bareback.I was about eight and it must have gone on for about a year before he caught me! He was really nice though and said his daughter had left home and I could ride the horse but I would have to come up knock the door and get the tack out and wear a hat. I was so embarassed that I never went back  I would go mad if anyone went near any of mine! | The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the ways its animals are treated
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Silver Member
390 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 9:35:55 PM
Mine was my mum's pony. Misty, a grey sec b who was a complete bugger! I was on him before I could walk...........he taught my mum, her sister (1st, she was older!), then a number of other people then me and my sisters and brother and then my older children (again a gap in between where he was still ownded by my mum). Unfortunately he died peacefully aged 38 before my younger children had the pleasure of knowing him! RIP Misty, you're still loved and missed by 3 generations of my family and by countless others! |
Trudi x
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Platinum Member
4247 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 9:51:58 PM
A pony called Tina, very fat and very lazy, still the seed was sown!!! Nicky |
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Acorn Arabians
Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
2052 Posts |
Posted - 05 Jul 2008 : 11:53:45 PM
I wasnt allowed a pony, the first horse I rode was 15.2 mare called Fan and it was bareback. I remember sliding down the side of her shoulder to reach the ground it seemed a long, long way down. I was two. |
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Platinum Member
2452 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 12:56:42 AM
My grandads with my dad riding with me on his lap proberly only months old!!!! My aunt who i never call aunt!! is only 3 years older than myself my grandad bought her a chestnut tb so i got her old pony that we fought over .. so truth be grandad got another to stop us fighting!!I was 8 years old .. He was a bay 13.2 approx .. heinz.. called Horris and was god knows how old.. but very forward and bomb proof.. |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
4952 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 01:14:51 AM
wow let me think! thats a long time ago a little black welsh type pony called blaze at our local riding school, then after a few weeks i got promoted to ride a grey pony called mickey. i can remember all gathering in the brick built tack room after with a fire roaring and a cup of hot chocolate in our hands, all trading our experiences, oh they were the days  |
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Platinum Member
2532 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 07:18:18 AM
The first pony I ride was in Egypt and he was black. The first time I rode him out on the lead rein he broke away and galloped after the older riders. I eventually fell off but went back the next week determined to ride him again. I was only 6. |
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Platinum Member
 United Kingdom
6586 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 08:15:24 AM
No idea I know I was 3 and a half though and in Cornwall and lead from another horse. I'd never sat on a horse before. That day i trotted and cantered and held on to the front of the saddle. I remember the lady who was leading me from her horse saying to my dad who was also riding. "she has a good siting trot but is a bit wobbly in canter". Don't think she knew I'd never been on a horse before. Hey thats was my dad's idea of teaching someone to ride. Bless him. |
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United Kingdom
6708 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 11:32:01 AM
My first pony was almost my first ride; I had been on a 'hack' with my sister and her friend on a little dun pony whose name I can't remember. But my parents then moved from Essex to a farm in north Wales and the inducement to me and my sister to agree happily to the uprooting was that we could have our own ponies. Bought from a very famous horse sale (!!) mine was a grey 3-y-o Welsh filly I called Seaspray who was meant to be backed. I got on her bareback with a halter the first morning, a herd of bullocks came cantering up to see what was going on, and I was bucked straight off! That was when I learned to ride... Second pony, after I outgrew Seaspray was a fabulous and very versatile Arab/Connemara cross called Araminta (Minty) who'd do anything and was a very pretty strawberry roan. We usually jumped bareback, anywhere, any height; wish I had the guts to do that now! Mum decided there was a market for Arabs and Arab crosses because of their beauty and versatility and bought a purebred (Shillada), a colt (Malek al Sahara), a TB ex-racehorse (Sally H) and an Anglo (Ramona) and started breeding. Thus the Arab 'hook'. I think once you've had Arabs, you always look for that beauty in other horses and somehow they rarely match up!
Susan P, my next door neighbour tells me she used to go and ride someone's horse bareback as a kid without their knowledge. It's astonishing how that can happen without someone seeing! Reminds me of Jill's Gymkhana where she looks at other people and their horses and just LONGS to have one! |
Roseanne |
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