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Platinum Member
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 03 Jul 2008 : 11:21:40 PM
ahhhh.. butter wouldn't melt!! How have things been over the last few days? Any improvement kelly?? |
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Gold Member
584 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 10:50:34 AM
He looks fab, be proud of all that you have achived, forget the what happend after bit, remember he loves you and was just having a spoilt child moment.... Kelly he really is a credit to you, whish my little girl looked as good as yours, whish i could be brave enough to ride her too... |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 12:10:38 PM
He looks lovely, a credit to you. |
   London/Essex Border |
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Gold Member
1123 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 12:22:29 PM
He's scrumptious, and defo not too fat.... i like em chubby!!! |
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Platinum Member
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 2:13:56 PM
Thanks guys 
'Butter wouldn't melt' was my first thought as well Kirsty! Little monkey 
Things have been better since Sunday, though I haven't ridden more than once, which he responded well to. Ground work has been better - he's not getting an inch and it seems to be working. Mind you, he always was good most of the time, which is why Sunday was such a shock.
Thank you all for your nice comments - he is 6, and never going to be a lean boy, but he isn't getting ridden enough (for mind or body), and is crabbet bred so is on the stocky side.
I suppose I should be proud so far and not dwell on the bad. He's my first arab, my first colt (well, he was for 3 weeks ), the first horse I've backed, and we've done it all ourselves (with a lot help from dear old mummy , and lots of advice from AL'ers!) He does get very excited when the horse in front goes from standstill to gallop (bucking is fun - for him anyway), and he occasionally has hissy fits, is very opinionated and doesn't care who knows it, and can pull the most God awful faces. He will also hack out alone and in company, first or last, comes to call (most of the time), if I insist he will follow me around without any tack and do as I ask. He will stand and be hosed down in cold water (if I insist) without being tied up, and I took his stitches out of his lip on my own, loose in his stable.
I don't suppose we're doing too badly  I have mapped out new rides over the moors, miles and miles, so he IS going to get some exercise So am I......  |
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Gold Member
1084 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 2:26:06 PM
You're not doing too badly at all - just a blip on the radar, which you can learn from   |
   London/Essex Border |
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Platinum Member
1571 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 2:26:29 PM
Lucie, if I can ride, I'm sure you can. I really lost my confidence last year, but I have refused to give up. So I made myself go out, and Jack was lovely, and was really great for me. I don't know your circumstances or reasons, but if it's all in your head, like mine was, then maybe you just need to give yourself a kick, take a few 'Kalms' tablets and go for a short pootle round the block.
Of course, I may be talking rubbish. But I do know how you feel, so am sending you a hug. x
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 9:14:02 PM
your doing fan bloody tastic, didn't and wouldn't of know he was your first horse you've produced, i am treading in your shoes with my first horse! and arab i am hoping to do him my self with guidence from people like you on A lines, and i am sure over the last few days they have been posts about Arabs having hissys at 6-7 years so don't worry your doing brill girl hugs to ya and your lad |
"Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened." |
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Gold Member
 N. Ireland
613 Posts |
Posted - 04 Jul 2008 : 9:56:55 PM
Kelly I thinks he's gorgeous, and having read all about That Sunday on your other post, I have to say you are doing a wonderful job with him. Keep at it! |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 7:56:21 PM
It's official - Jack has redeemed himself!
Took him out on Friday, again, he was a man on a mission. We stopped to talk to 2 sets of family/young lads, dealt with gremlins on cycles, small remote control helicopters, a barking labrador, a ride on lawn mower, had lovely canter down a large grass field on a loose rein, a hidden artic with hissing brakes, and a BBQ at a primary school with screaming children running all over - very interesting, that!
Then to top it all off, we were trotting along a bridleway with trees on both sides, and there were some lads at the top of the banking on one side - I thought it was the same ones that were so lovely earlier, so called some jokey comment to them. All of a sudden they ducked down and hid, starting whistling, clapping and making 'grrrrr' noises very loudly - trying to scare Jack! He jumped, danced a little and went to run a few steps forwards, so I checked him once, gave him a loose rein back and on he went, high stepping but no more! VERY VERY pleased 
I can't even be cross with him for the 2" x 4" bruise on my shin due to him banging my leg on a gate (he's normally very good at gates )
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Platinum Member
2682 Posts |
Posted - 06 Jul 2008 : 9:22:25 PM
good for you kelly - bet you're feeling very pleased with him - and you!!!! |
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