Well guys Lyndilou might have her cock but I have a Super Hen! When we bought this house we inherited 3 chickens not your normal run of the mill chickens - these things made a lot of noise and fly - anyway got a cock whom we called Wilburforce - a handsome boy who none of the ladies could resist - anyway last year we had one hen go broody and she brought off two chicks two others hatched but died Anyway, a few days ago one of Wilburs ladies having sat tight for a while hatched 4 little chicks - ohhh cute - but then today we had another hen hatch her chicks - all 18 of them - yes 18 little tiny fluffy bundles - this is one super chicken - whose name is Satan as she is a nasty evil chicken - so Lyndilou - you've a lot to catch up with - as another two on eggs at the moment as well - you might have a cock but you aint got a wilburforce. LOL
I've got a super-hen too! Her name is Beyonce - because she's a "survivor" (the only 1!) and also an "independant woman"
She has been laying 2 eggs a day & started sitting on them this week so yesterday 12 fertilised Rhode Islands were sneaked under her, watch this space!
"If an 'alternative treatment' has reliable effect it becomes classified simply as MEDICINE" D.B.