Yaaay Alan, you obviously survived then. Just as well you were wearing your secret abseiling safety harness underneath your clothes. A cunning plan, perfectly executed methinks. Respect.
Well Judith, you did cut 'em loose in the first place and they've bred and spawned many a thread. They get everywhere. Even my daughter was talking about them the other night as a possible addition to the Fete Champetre at Stourhead House which we're going to at the end of July. We're going as Pioneers of the Wild West and she was obviously way ahead of me in her thinking. Think I might be Wild Bill Merkin.
How about going as Davy Crockett....wearing a merkin on your head & everyone could play pin the tail on the merkin.....or am I barking up the wrong telegraph pole?
No defo not barking up the wrong telegraph pole or totem pole for that matter. Sounds like a darned good idea to me pardner (see I'm getting into the swing of it already). I did suggest to Polly that she should have a moustache - might just trim up a merkin for her. My daughter now fancies going as Pocamerkin.
Just re-reading back over this and have to say Pixie you're now making me laugh. Well you and Merlot. Nothing new there. But please, no more merkins. Can't make head nor tail of the merkin thread currently running at 276 pages. I get up at night and revisit it when I can't sleep. I've read it sober, I've read it slightly tipsy and I've read it when I've come home on a Saturday night absolutely sh*tfaced (how sad I am). Nope, still can't understand a word of it.
Tried the merkin page absolutely no idea and I will leave it there. Happy belated birthday Alan you dont look 48 and 12 months hope that you had a great day. What a beautiful place remember the next one is the big one 48 and 24 months Sue