My dad has an old recipe for fruit cake. He made our wedding cake with the recipe, but it went out with a health warning "Not for the designated drivers!" He did soak the fruit in 4 B&Q buckets of alcahol for 3 weeks
well, for mum's 60th I cheated and bought the Tesco super duper ready iced fruit cake in big size, then got nifty with the food paints and painted our logo on it. You could do similar with a nice photo - looked pretty good and tasted yum! (injected extra booze with a hypodermic!! Failing that... make the sort of choc cake that calls for chocolate rather than cocoa and add Cointreau
- V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq