Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, yes it was my birthday yesterday, and I am missing Tara lots Laura! It is her birthday next MOnday when she will be 16! Can't believe it's 10 years ago that I bought her now!!
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes, yes it was my birthday yesterday, and I am missing Tara lots Laura! It is her birthday next MOnday when she will be 16! Can't believe it's 10 years ago that I bought her now!!
blimey.... now I feel OLD!! Is she really 16? (Aros was 20 a week or so ago, as was my yummy 2yr old partbred colt, also by Shah as it goes - Shah is looking good too so Tara has good genes for longevity )
- V Khazad - V Calacirya & V Sulime - Quarida(L) - V Boogie Knights - V Hamra Tofiq