no... none of us could stay off it!! we'd be in there like a shot... "ooooo new blank topic?? must write something!!" Do one, and see how lond before someone posts!! I can't believe bridie won the kiss of death!! I just went to look for it and saw that admin may have ben hinting for it to stop - still didn't stop bridie though!!
I lurk far more than I post, as I don't race (anymore) don't show, don't do much of anything at the moment I often feel as if I have nothing of relevance to I don't say anything at all. When I do have news, it is depressing and I feel as if no-one would actually be interested anyway.
Hopefully I'll have a happy announcement to make in a few weeks time and then you'll be wishig that I remained a part time lurker.
hiya baikala, keep posting i am sure not everyone on here shows or races, the underlying thing surely is we all love our horses, and there are always stories about them as we all know! and check out the merkin thread, not even a horse mentioned on there! but if you can understand it good luck! all the best. Verena.
baikala... i don't race or show... I would love to show but still don't know where to start! I'm been looking at show dates but I suppose I don't have the courage or experience to actually get on and do it! I come on here to chat becuase I don't know any other horsey people in my area and its so nice to get advice and encouragement Raz is the first horse I've ever owned and I'm thirty now and being on my own in a field without anyone elses advice - so it was a bit of a godsend finding this site....
well I was a lurker for a long time, then i jumped in and said hello, and you couldnt wish for a better lot of friends, for a chat, help and whatever you need , advice, you name it they have it, lyndylou gave me a push and im not sorry, so come on you lurkers , get in there!!!!!
I actually can't stop laughing! This topic has made my day!! I am very ashamed to say I lurk all the time - as you can tell by my pathetic number of posts! I will try harder from now on...
hi amyje, come on join the other lurkers who have thrown care to the wind and are tapping away on the keyboard as we speak!! at least you are out of the shadows now
I'm a lurker too. I lurk all the time but don't always have enough time to post anything before I get caught not working. Having a bit of a skive today though 'cos it's a bit quiet and I'm here on my own so there's no-one to catch me Only 40 mins to go then I can go & ride
Lol!! Been working with arabs for about 3 years, up in North Yorkshire, but from Kent really. Got my own horse - big fat gypsy cob (who has recently decided he IS an arabian stallion - breaking out of fields and parading up and down with his tail over his back for the fillies) Used to have quite a collection when I was at school, buying and selling ponies etc to pay for my own, then spent 3 years at college getting my HND and became addicted to Arabs during my work placement and never left! lol. Think thats about it really...