I have just started working with a rescue charity in Ireland, finding homes for Ex racing greyhounds : The are bought over to the UK and spend time in foster homes until loving homes are found, They are all socialised with small breed of dogs, and are cat tested, 90% can be homed with cats. They make wonderful pets,
If you think you could offer a greyhound a home : please look at our website or mail me
Hiya, well done for getting involved in so many of these good causes; work away too much to have anything other than my self sufficient moggy at home but hope you find them loving homes
Ohhh dont!!! I have my heart set on one. Always like to give a good home to the needy BUT am making myself wait. At the mo all my spare time goes to Freddie and I plan to have my greyhound afterwards.
Cazza as you have met my Flo Jo you will know this is a cause very close to my heart. I had one of Cazzas puppies and my greyhound took to her so beautifully. They are wonderfully gentle creatures and it breaks my heart to think how any one could ill treat one. Well done Caroline and if I can do anything then you know where I am
Oh I am sorely tempted, been looking at all their little faces but OH would kill me!!! and I swore that the next dog I will enjoy every minute and it would meant trying to cram walks and quality time into too few hours already so I am going to wait -
Just to say that greyhounds are basically lazy creatures, mine has one walk a day and then it is back to bed. She has her feed she loves being cuddled and has a little game. The rest of the time even though she is large you wouldnt know she was there. If any one thinks they need walking for England it is a myth. My Flo just wants food food and more food. If she was human she would be a bit like Oliver Twist asking for more in her dinner dish !!!!!