I spent ages on FB last night cos one of my old school friends has posted a load of pics of us when we were 16/17 - the horror!! Especially the clothing (not to mention the blue dreadlocks!!) it appears I was keen on stripes.
Great idea - I've joined too (Nicky Smith) so feel free to add me! Nice to put faces to names even though my job doesn't allow me to post on AL as often as I used to :-( Maybe it means I'll recognise a few more of you at shows this year!! Noticed a lot of your pics for the general public are more glamorous than we all know our horse-orientated lives usually allow though
Hi Ive joined aswell thanks to all the people that have acepted my add. I don't know how to work the system yet ,so please don't think im being ignorent but im terrrible with computors,no doubt soon i will get the hang of it. I have put some photos up aswell.
I'm on Facebook too , am addicted to it lol - how sad!
Janine Groves , feel free to add me just send message so i know you are from the forum unless you have a pic of a horse as your profile picture as dont except anyone as get loads of people all the time adding me and i dont no them ? Ahh!