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 Lights in stables
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Posted - 18 Aug 2007 :  1:40:02 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add cmj to your friends list Send cmj a Private Message
I am having a new range of stables built and I would be very grateful for any advice on the type of light fittings to use inside the boxes. Previously I have used the cheap, oblong plastic ones that you put an ordinary lightbulb in. They tend to break when they fall out onto my head when I am up a ladder trying to change the bulb! Are flourescent lights any good and would it be easy to change the tube and the thing that starts the tube? Got a foaling box that I want to be able to have one ordinary light and one special bright light like in the vets. Do you think infrared heating lamp is worth having in this box (no early foals but always seems so cold at night) Advice much appreciated.

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Posted - 18 Aug 2007 :  2:45:00 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add polly to your friends list Send polly a Private Message
Speak to a builder about the modern outdoor long lights, I heard one talking about them and they seem to be Eco-lights and last lots longer. Don,t forget to put a plug socket with saftey cover as high up the wall as you can reach,invaluable when you need to plug in a scanner/xray machine etc etc And a sloping floor will save you lots of money on bedding over the years if the urine can escape, ( with or without rubbermats )just a gentle slope is all thats needed. good luck Polly

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