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Posted - 26 Apr 2007 :  8:55:11 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add Treasure to your friends list Send Treasure a Private Message
Hope you're ready for this... I have been trying to find out from my local Planning Department if I would need Planning Permission for stables near a house but in a field. After a fairly fruitless dialogue with one P.Officer who insisted everything was in writing (a real 'jobsworth' bloke) he eventually passed me to another (a woman with much more sense! ). I think he was as fed up with me as I was with him - huh how dare I keep asking questions!
So did you know that if you graze horses on fields currently used as 'agricultural' ie currently used for cattle or sheep grazing, you have to get Planning Permission if you 'take food for the horses' , but not if you don't as they are then 'agricultural animals!'!! With Defra looking at diversification in farming things may change in the future but where's the joined up thinking now - ie you could have horses standing on rubbish fields, starving I guess so long as you don't 'take food' for them - Or if you do, you need Planning Consent (what to build them?? ). I asked her what if I hadn't asked the question - her answer was that probably nothing but don't ask the question in the first place!
You can also probably put stables up even if it blocks the view so long as it's near buildings, ie the houses, but not further down the field (where it wouldn't!)
Amazing - and obviously she thought so too.


Johaara Arabians
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