We've brought him home today. He's in his stable looking out wondering why he can't go out with his girls. The vet took his bandage off while we were there and the reality of it all hit us. Our hopes were dashed as he has lost his hoof. The area above the coronet band to the fetlock is cold. It's not looking good and I don't think the hydrotherapy will help.
To see him walk with all the bandage on you would think there was nothing wrong with him. But that's not the case. I'm hoping to cover a couple of mares with him in the next few days. I've injected one of the mares to bring her into heat and my other mare I was going to use is either just gone out of season or is just coming in so either way I can't inject her. I'm going to keep him as comfortable as I can but if he starts going downhill then his time will come. He is more important than trying to get another foal from him.
He's getting spoilt rotten with plenty of carrots and cookies and freshly picked grass. I'm just glad he's home with us and his girls and family. Even though it will be for a short time it will be precious for us.
I'll keep you all informed and thank you for your well wishes.
Sue, I am so terribly sorry. Dont give up just yet, miracles can happen and positive thinking goes along way. Are you still going to try the hydrotherapy?? If your fears come to pass, I hope your mares do you proud and give you a gorgeous offspring.
So sorry to hear the news today but as Sandie said miracles can happen and do. Would it not be possible to have semen collected and frozen for future use no matter what the outcome of your situtation at the moment, lets hope that he makes a recovery as well as, your mares produce good foals next year. Keep us all informed, thinking of you, lots of hugs and good wishes for Goldie Jackie