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 Muscle Spasms??
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Posted - 21 Apr 2007 :  10:43:49 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this topic Add leezee26 to your friends list Send leezee26 a Private Message
Hi all, I wonder if I could ask for some advice off people..Today I went to look at an 8 year old 16.1hh Warmblood gelding, who is being sold off 'cheaply' by a dealer who by all accounts is not reputable. I arrived knowing it could well be a waste of time but all I knew was that he was lean and green. We watched him free schooling, and his movement is fab, but when he stood his front legs would almost wobble. And his muscles in his shoulder quivered. He is lean, very lean and extremely undermuscled. Apparently this dealer only imported him on Monday so he has undergone a lot of travelling and no turn out, plus we noticed he was very thirsty..So could it be dehydration causing some trouble? I do know about Wobblers and Shivers and rang my vet while I was looking at him and he was inclined to say it was the fact he had been on his feet etc etc...We did alot of turning small circles and like I say he moved very well considering his condition. My dilemma is, I was going to buy a cheapish horse to bring on and try and turn round in a few months but this boy will take alot longer and I really dont have the money to take on big time trouble, and I know many of you will say its a fools game thinking you can make money from buying and selling, but its just something i know I can do but my heart is now ruling head as he had obviously been roughly handled and looked dire..Thank you for taking time to read.I do have video footage but am unsure how to attach it if I can, but could e-mail it. Leigh
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Grey Girl
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Posted - 22 Apr 2007 :  09:58:37 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Grey Girl to your friends list Send Grey Girl a Private Message
Got no experience here whatsoever - but you have here a suspiciously cheap horse, newly imported by someone you say has a dodgy reputation, ana horse that is evidently not in the best of health and wobbly to boot.

This does not sound like a good scenario to me.

However, if you have the experience, money and time maybe you can discover an amazing horse underneath. On the other hand there might be something majorly wrong with it (hence ending up where it has) and you end up losing a lot.

Sorry, not much help there...

Grey Girl

Said the little eohippus, "I´m going to be a HORSE"
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Posted - 22 Apr 2007 :  11:11:21 AM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add leezee26 to your friends list Send leezee26 a Private Message
Thanks Grey girl, yes you are saying what I feel deep down..As usual you end up feeling so sorry for an amazing creature who has ended up in a bad way with bad people! My head tells me to turn away but the heart is saying otherwise! I have no doubt I can get him looking better but like you say where do the problems end?
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Posted - 22 Apr 2007 :  12:18:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Zan's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Zan to your friends list Send Zan a Private Message
I really don't know what is wrong with letting "your heart rule your head" That horse is in an appalling situation and it sounds like you could help him, so if it was me and I was in a position to, I would. The strange double standards in the horse world leave me mystified---one minute it seems everyone judges a potential buy as if it is a machine that might have faulty bits, and the next minute there are posts about horses going cheap through markets, or advertised cheaply on the web with urgent calls for someone to please buy them to save them.
Not directed at anyone in paticular btw---just a general observation

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Posted - 22 Apr 2007 :  12:28:17 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add leezee26 to your friends list Send leezee26 a Private Message
Hi Zan, thanks for that and normally wouldnt have a prob with my heart ruling my head but money is an issue here, ceratinly if this boy needs the extensive rehab I think he needs. I would find it if I could get him but its the outlay of buying him..I am setting up my new business of a livery here and was thinking of buying a couple of horses to bring on then inject the cash from a sale into this place. So the mercenry angle is that this one isnt an investment but I just wanted to see if anyone had any experience with these so called muscle spasms and if I felt I could take him to help if the probs arent too severe. Having only recently lost my dear horse my reserve is that if these probs arent sortable I dont want the trauma of another premature death. If money wasnt an option however he would be here yesterday!
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