Has anyone noticed how different colours moult at different rates?
My three greys are moulting like there's no tomorrow. TC has almost got his summer coat completely, Dennis has lost his winter coat from his head, neck and shoulders but is still furry on his sides, back and bum. My grey shettie is still furry all over but it is coming out on mass.
My black shettie is hardly moulting in comparison. Her coat is taking on a brownish tinge from the sun and she is standing sweating but her coat is hardly coming out?
I would have thought that it would have been the other way round?
Pasha is Bay and he's nearly finished moulting - all the clip lines have gone! The other horses (mainly bays, two black and one coloured) on the yard have barely started
I wish all my lot were like Ginger my Saddlebred x PBA - shes hardly grows any winter coat (would never ever need to clip her!) & what she had she lost ages ago & is now very sleek & shiney!
my ginger one has almost finished-clip lines gone but hair sill coming out a bit it depends on different breeds too- my friends 12yo TB is still quite hairy