Our grass started growing couple of weeks back, but WOW this last week its shot up and the summer fields are very green and lush. Winter fields are also very green - despite a fair amount of pouching lots of green poo in the stables at night they are really filling up on the grass during the daytime.
I have set fields on the DIY yard that i am on but luckily the family in the big house next door lets me and a friend use there fields which are about 8 acres or more and they are full of grass. They are very nice as they do not charge us for the use of them. All we do is buy some rather nice wines at xmas. He is more than happy with this as he does not have to keep having them cut and with us walking up and down he says helps with security.We both very much appreciate the fact that they let us use them and try very hard to not cause them any problems with the horses. We constantly poo pick so not to make any mess but this really makes a difference to how happy the horses are which is our priority
Am I the only one who is pleased about not having grass? I've got two Arabs who I suspect are insulin resistant and one with Cushings so having no grass to speak of is ideal for me at this time of year. Mind you I did have to get 30+ sheep onto the field to graze it all off for me, as our spring/summer fields were growing so fast until the sheep came over. The only problem is the hay supply for next winter - there still seems to be plenty of 2006 hay to be had at the moment but how is the grass going to grow for this year's hay harvest?