My mare had a foal last year but it still dont stop me being addicted to looking. I am still so tempted but my daughter is riding my mare now so will have to wait till she loses interest again. Mind you still have my little filly who im enjoying watching grow and who keeps changing colour, still not sure what she will turn out.
As well as looking at the babies in the new arrivals I keep looking at the ones for sale so I am seriously thinking about putting my girl in foal and the human children aren't very forth coming with grandchildren either I need a baby to love.
I have to admit to looking at the for sale each day to. My dream is to have my own stallion and my filly and mare and of coarse my gelding who i would never sell , The prob being we have to stop somewhere i think. I need to be rich and have my own stud (oh well can live in hope ) Nice to look and she whats out there to. Foals are always such a temptation though