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Kristi Belle
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United Kingdom

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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  12:22:23 PM  Show Profile  Click to see Kristi Belle's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this topic Add Kristi Belle to your friends list Send Kristi Belle a Private Message
sorry bit of a long waffle!

At the end of 2004 I had the devastating task of selling some of my horses, one of them was a stallion (now gelded) which completely broke my heart. I thought Id found a permanent home for him, unfortunately it wasn't meant to be- fair enough life takes turns when you don't expect it too and I felt great sympathy for the buyer as it was a similar situation I was in.
Id spent the last year and a bit wondering where he'd gone and hoping he was now in the right home when the other day I received an email from his new owner who had found my address on the net. I gave her a call at the weekend and we had a long chat about him. she was assured that he was never used at stud, which he was and the person I sold him to defiantly knew this. After he mounted one of the mares at the yard she asked again and the first buyer still denied he had been used.
This is where I get very annoyed- the girl was told that the previous owner (me!) had done a little cross country and long distance on him I was BOILING all id done was tack him up and ride him round the yard. How DANGEROUS is this???!!! she could have taken him out for a hack one day decided to take him for a little gallop or a jump and that could have been her lot. She said she doesn't have a huge amount of confidence so finds the lad a bit difficult and has advertised him, she offered him back to me but I have absolutely no pennies otherwise he would be back already. I think by the end of our conversation she was going to try a bit more with him as she realised why he was so green, but she's 6months pregnant so there's only so much she can do- which is what she said. So I'm left feeling quite sad for my ol lad and extremely angry because of the first buyers lies he faces another new home and someone could have really been hurt. I was practically in tears during the call.
I know everyone says the market is stagnant at the moment, but that doesn't justify lying to get a sale.
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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  12:41:28 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add angel2002 to your friends list Send angel2002 a Private Message
I really feel for you Kristi had similar happen some years ago, nothing worse than liars, especially when they are putting someones life in danger!!!

I hope your lad finds a decent loving long term home if his current owner decides to sell him.

Passion Arabians
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Zoe Tyzack
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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  2:14:42 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add Zoe Tyzack to your friends list Send Zoe Tyzack a Private Message
hi Kristi

i know what you mean,its very sad.
think it all boils down to pounds shillings and pence as its all this that these type of people worry about and a lack of knowledge.
Its a shame some people are selfish enough to put others at risk due to their lies.

(((HUGS))) to you and mum.
Hows the wee bump

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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  2:22:32 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add LYNDILOU to your friends list Send LYNDILOU a Private Message
Oh bless him I know how you feel, could you perhaps tell her you will have him back to sell on and once sold she will have her money?, so that you can be instramental(sorry spellin aweful) in finding him the right home this time? its just a thought. please dont be too down we have all been there and thought we had found the right home only to find we didnt get it right.
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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  2:36:53 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add gcarrie9 to your friends list Send gcarrie9 a Private Message

I recognise who you are from your sign-in. I also know which horse it is and who you are talking about. I have been on the receiving end of this persons devilish behaviour when she took exception to me because of this very horse when it was a youngster. She told dreadful lies and tried to discredit me which could have been very damaging but luckily I have many friends of long standing who are professionals within the arab world and she only suceeded in making a fool of herself. I always believe that a persons true personality will out in the end. He was a yearing at the time so you know how long ago it was, his new owners now know the real situation and you know where he is so try not to worry about the rest of it, she truely isn't worth it!

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Qui Gon Jinn
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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  3:07:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit Qui Gon Jinn's Homepage Bookmark this reply Add Qui Gon Jinn to your friends list Send Qui Gon Jinn a Private Message
Kristi, I feel for you. It is bad enough to have to sell any of your animals without having this happen. As jcarrie9 says, at least you know where he is now and will hopefully be able to keep track of him now. I am sure he will get the home he deserves very soon.

The Soul would have no Rainbow....If the Eyes had shed no Tears.
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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  7:37:03 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add madmare to your friends list
Sadly..I was on the recieving end of a lying seller. I was told my girl was broken to ride, she wasn't...but I learnt the hard way, and I will be wary when doing my next purchase (except on here, I trust you all!!!!)

Kristi..I fully sympathise with you, it's hard having to sell, but now you know what is going on with this lad, and you'll hopefully be able to help her out with finding him a loving permanent home, where he will be fully appreciated.
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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  10:57:30 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add barbara.gregory to your friends list Send barbara.gregory a Private Message

You may remember my thread asking for legal advice; well the person in question is an ALiner and doesn't she sound nice! very deceptive. She has rung the HR department where I work telling slanderous lies about me.


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Posted - 01 Mar 2007 :  11:02:00 PM  Show Profile Bookmark this reply Add madmare to your friends list
hmmm...well, as I am getting one from a fellow aliner (sjade's filly, Frankie) I think I can trust the MAJORITY of people on here!!!!
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Kristi Belle
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United Kingdom
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Posted - 02 Mar 2007 :  09:49:21 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Kristi Belle's MSN Messenger address Bookmark this reply Add Kristi Belle to your friends list Send Kristi Belle a Private Message
thanks everyone for the support.
I feel like it is me whos let the lad down. I really wish I could just buy him back but hopefully now I will know what hes up to.
Carrie- Im not really worried about her at the moment, Ive dealt with all her off behaviour before regarding the lad, its this time someone could have been physically hurt and that made my blood boil.

Zoe mum and i send hugs back and the wee bump is getting a wee bit bigger all the time... hopefully thats not just all the ''junk'' im eating
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