thank you all very much for your donations from the open day. mandy emailed me and asked if they could donate money for great ormand street in memory of our baby skye.we were very over whelmed by this very kind and generous offer, once again a big thank you to all of you who donated. lynn and barry xx
Lynn & Barry.....I have asked if there is anyone else on AL who wants to donate to let me know (or you of course). Great Ormond Street Hospital do a wonderful just felt right to send our collection there in memory of Skye. I have e.mailed you.
hi mandy we are over whelmed by all of this, its nice to know people will put their hands in their pockets to help. if we can save any other children then it all seems worth it. great ormand street hospital is a fantastic hospital and all the staff are 110% dedicated to their jobs. people can send donations to either you or myself,if people want my address i can put it on here again but it is in the magazines. thank you all al liners for your help. lynn and barry