It never ceases to amaze me how easily my horses can communicate to me their wants, moods etc - perhaps thats because they live at home with us & I've had most of them for years - we get in-tune with each other I think!
Anyway Rufus hasn't done much for over a year - he last did an endurance ride in 2005 - then his feet packed in (he has an amazingly fast trot & odd action due to his Saddelbred blood) & he just doesn't grow feet!! So hard work/endurance & repatitive shoeing takes its toll! So hes been shoeless & has grown his feet & is now shod again & working & he LOVES it!!! Hes demanded to be ridden just about every day & within two weeks of steady work hes already feeling good & wanting to go for it! I tried to catch Sly today as I was going to ride him but Rufus barged him out of the way & literally stuck his head into the headcollar - so he went out & did a couple of hours of quite hard work & he just loved it!! He's got his "lets KILL the hills" head on now - & he eats hills - loves them to be really steep & long so he can power up them!
Hi Jackie - yes - we are both having FUN - thats what horse riding should be all about isn't it?? !! I really do think that going by Rue's attitude that he wants to work & he appears to want to be the HORSE that is working (out of the rest of my mob!) at the moment! His body language is VERY positive now & he does consider himself to be the MOST important & in charge horse on the place!!! Its so funny really & I have to stop myself laughing at him - if I laugh he gives me a very old-fashioned look!!!! Oh - hes second from the right, top row of my signature piccies!
I love it when you know they are enjoying themselves as much as you are.
Freddie is a master at finding excuses not to work - "oh hang on I've got an itch" " naaa, now I've got another one" "oopps sorry mum, did I move away when you were about to get on - didnt realise...." and last weekend was " oh look the hose, water comes out of there - I like that - turn it on mum n I'll just have a quick drink" - normally he gives it a wide berth incase its bathtime!
He caught me right off guard in the week, I had barely got his bridle on and he was standing by the mounting block ready to go!!!! I ceased the moment and as soon as I was on we were off with vigour and it was one of the best rides for ages, he was sooo responsive and if he could have had a big smile on his face, he would have - bliss!!!! Sandie