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Gold Member
 United Kingdom
813 Posts |
Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 7:03:00 PM
I have seen Jameel lying down in his stable quite a lot - ever since he was a baby. I could always go in and cuddle him and he wouldn't get up.
I have had Tamba for over 3 years now and I have only seen him lying down once in his stable - until last night!
I had been out on appointments all day and had to drive all the way from Peterborough to Chester and back. I was coming back quite late and had arranged for the boys to be brought in and fed and rugged etc so I could go straight home or just do a fly past and kiss noses. A friend rang me to say she had managed to persuade the tack shop to lend a saddle I was after so I could try it on Tamba for fit BUT it had to go back first thing the next morning.
I had to go down to try it on so OF COURSE he was all tucked up in his rug, legs curled under, eyes closed and gently snoring. No camera with me and I had to wait ages tidying my feed and rugs quietly cos I didn't have the heart to get him up.  |
 Bev |
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Gold Member
522 Posts |
Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 8:16:28 PM
I don't see mine lying down very often except my filly, who is always lying down and lets you lie down with her - she is very lazy when she's sleeping and has to be rocked and dragged up if you need her to get up!! |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 8:26:38 PM
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Posted - 21 Feb 2007 : 9:36:03 PM
Aww that is sooo gorgeous - exactly what I mean!! |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 22 Feb 2007 : 10:57:40 PM
the only time I've seen Tara lying down was when she had to have sedation at lunchtime for the vet to scan her, when I came back after work she was lying down in her stable, but as soon as she heard the feed bucket rattling when I was making her dinner she got up!
The Fjord pony I used to loan when I was 14 used to lie down a lot and once he was lying in the field and I walked up to him and he didn't move or even open an eye. I thought that maybe he was dead cos he was so still!! Luckily he wasn't although it took me a good 15 minutes or so to get him to get up!! |
Bristol |
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Silver Member
 United Kingdom
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Posted - 23 Feb 2007 : 1:33:34 PM
I often see my girls laying down, but in 12 yrs Blue has only ever let me give her a cuddle while she has been laying down once, and amazingly that was when she was out in the field Needless to say as soon as she got up she galloped off and wouldn't let me near her As for Milly I often catch her laying down and she always lets me give her a cuddle (and a sweetie) |
Tema & The Girls |
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Gold Member
United Kingdom
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Posted - 24 Feb 2007 : 12:55:18 PM
Great pictures, they always look so vulnerable when they are lying down.
Years ago when Div (Peleng x Poprigunia) was in racing training in the UK (before he stood at Clarendon)he was in the stable next to the yard tackroom. I could never leave the horses alone (I adored them all) so at tea breaks i'd open up the door from the tackroom into his stable and have my tea and doughnuts with him. He would, without fail, lie down and position his head on my lap and grab hold of my top and grind it between his teeth until he fell asleep. His head would suddenly become a lead weight but he'd carry on grinding and sucking at my jumpers. It used to break my heart to have to get up and carry on working. You would never think that this was a stallion that hospitalised people because of his erratic behaviour and also was awarded top racehorse status. I'd love to see him again, little Dib - Dob. |
Edited by - annas on 24 Feb 2007 12:56:54 PM |
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Platinum Member
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Posted - 24 Feb 2007 : 9:13:29 PM
Awww Anna that sounds absolutely magical! |
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Gold Member
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Posted - 24 Feb 2007 : 11:49:39 PM
I have caught Crystal led down only twice in the 13 years I have had her...and both of those wee early morning starts for shows..and she was in the field! Clyda, my friends welsh D mare, on the other hand, is quie happy fo you to go in and sit on her, by her, or even snuggle up to her if she is led down..shes too soppy to gt up..where Crystal will be up on the off chance you have food, or she is missing something! |
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Grey Girl
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Posted - 25 Feb 2007 : 1:20:32 PM
Just fished this pic out of Amelia rather inelegantly flopped out. Go Away I'm Asleep 

Grey Girl |
Said the little eohippus, "I´m going to be a HORSE"  |
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