There is a thread on tea and coffee time,but just a quick warning to all on AL Anneeee is now a member Aka Ann S. For those of you that havn't met Ann here's a brief description: Totally madloves angelsDoesn't own any horses but loves all breedsloves rock musicsaves insects (even slugs)(didn't even know about the salt thing looooooool and has been a dear friend of mine for the last 17 years. Nice to have you on board anneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Blimey Jelly is that what you have had to put up with for the last 17yrs ( Bless you my child )now that`s what i call a good friend Yeah that about sums me up i guess anyway will give you that tenner or should it be TENA later Hiya Mandy & everybody.See you Sat orsen, yes you know who you are Anneee