Platinum Member
United Kingdom
3536 Posts |
Posted - 28 Mar 2006 : 10:05:38 AM
hi just wondered if i can get a bit of advice on selling one of horse's
We have made the really hard decision to sell sparky my sisters horse , you may remember a few months ago i started a thread about him as he was a bit of a 'rescue case' when we first got him 6 years ago from a dealer. He is a very pretty thorobred 15.2 but was very depressed and a bit scruffy when we went to see him , but he loved jumping ( which tori loves ) and was a sweet temp in the stable but can be a little excitable to turn out when we change fields but nothing we cant handle
anyway , we bought for a reasonable price after vetting saying he needed condition on him ( because he was 'poor' looking )
and started to turn him out etc , he is lovely looking now and very well the problem we have is that he is very forward going and gets very excitable , he lacks confidence can get very clingy to my two horses
to the extent that if i am working my horse at one end of the school , sparky will nap & jog just to be near him!!!
Its getting a bit much! we have got a very knowledgeable trainer helping and giving lessons to tori & sparky basically taking right back to basics walking the flexing getting a 'proper' trot not a high-speed wall of death!!
But sometimes well, you know when you get a horse that just wont listen ! theres nothing there to work with - he can very selfish i call him! he gives nothing away and just fights & fights not wanting to work 'correctly'
Its very frustrating as we just want to to be happy! but my sister is just in tears as she just isnt enjoying him , and we have a guess come to the end of our tether!!
I guess really knowing him he would be happy in a 'real' competition home were he is going out jumping every week , with a event rider or something ?
at the end of the day our horses our passion but they are a hobby - we spend a lot of time & money and them and its normally worth it! I just dont really know what we should price him at ,or how best to advertise him..? we want to be honest about him of course , he must go to the right home ultimately thats really , really important
We are not used to selling , so wondered if someone can best advise..we have made the decision now & we are not going back on this ..just dont know how to go forward..!! He is 11 yrs old as well
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