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 TES Imogen

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Lori Posted - 12 Dec 2012 : 10:15:31 AM
Bit of a long shot but here goes. We sold TES Imogen to a family from London who offered Immi a fantastic home and even said i could go visit her anytime. Unfortunately the only number i have for her new owner Ashley has been disconnected. Does anyone have any contact with them or have heard anything about her. As i live miles away in the north west i just can't pop round to visit. I have the address so i will send a letter asking how she is soon, just thought i would try here first. Thanks for reading ;-)
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AJ Posted - 30 May 2017 : 2:45:02 PM
Hi Lori, have pm'd you,
sab2 Posted - 01 Aug 2014 : 6:31:02 PM
So am i Barbara, glad you have her home Lori.
barbara.gregory Posted - 01 Aug 2014 : 07:53:18 AM
I'm a sucker for happy endings.

Lori Posted - 31 Jul 2014 : 9:02:21 PM
Immi is back home with us now and as soon as i remember how to post pics i will (haven't been on ALines for a while and ive forgot how to do it lol). It's fantastic to have her back we're over the moon :-) :-)

She did have a bad time with the people who i sold her to even though they promised an amazing home for her and i fell for it :-( Paul bought her in a sad state with a foal on her aswell but he has done wonders with her and she looks amazing and as he put her up for sale we thought it only right she came back to us. Crunchie has her playmate back aswell :-)
gossy Posted - 28 Jul 2014 : 7:34:39 PM
Brilliant really pleased for you, from another TES owner x
Libby Frost Posted - 27 Jul 2014 : 10:09:28 PM
Callisto Posted - 27 Jul 2014 : 08:56:56 AM
That is fantastic - congratulations! you must post some photos once she is safely back with you
Lori Posted - 26 Jul 2014 : 11:03:58 PM
Just a quick note to say that i traced Imogen.....a nice man had bought her since i sold her and we got in contact via facebook after he had seen my post on here. Suffice to say Immi is coming back to me tomorrow and i cannot wait we have missed her so much
Pop Posted - 17 Dec 2012 : 08:29:59 AM
Its all very long shot, it was more a person looking for a horse by that name in that area, if you find the address, and its near Uxbridge, well, long shot but could be. But Uxbridge isn't central, so ....
Lori Posted - 16 Dec 2012 : 4:08:32 PM
Hiya Pop, sorry ive took so long replying. I've mislaid the address i had because we've moved house since. I have it just can't put my hands on it ;-(
From what i can remember they lived by a park/golf type place right in London. Immi's new home sounded perfect and it may well be shes in the lap of luxury but i think of her all the time since she went and now with having no contact phone number i suppose i'm paniking a bit.
Shes the last pic in my row of pics :-) xx
Pop Posted - 12 Dec 2012 : 11:22:11 AM
Probably an even longer shot but was the home near Uxbridge?

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