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T O P I C    R E V I E W
RiffRaff Posted - 17 May 2010 : 3:52:24 PM
I know this should really be in the showing forum but someone else has asked this question there but no ones really replied to it and thought more people would see it here! Is it still the rule that once qualified you are qualified for life? For example my stallion qualified as a yearling ive never taken him but was thinking about taking him this year as a six year old is he still qualified or do i need to requalify? I always thought this was the case but have heard that there was a new rule that meant it wasnt?
I appreciate anyones help, thanks
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
natntaz Posted - 02 Jun 2010 : 3:35:04 PM
My old boy qualified quite a few years back was thinking
of taking this year for an outing
george Posted - 29 May 2010 : 8:38:38 PM
Thankyou RiffRaff, hope to take him there too
RiffRaff Posted - 29 May 2010 : 12:12:16 PM
No you dont need a qualifying card its just a case of rememberin where the horse qualified and what place you got, then you put it on the entry form for UKIAHS. I assume they then check back over their records. Hope to see him there one year x
george Posted - 29 May 2010 : 07:42:21 AM
Hi all, just seen this and was wondering as Nabil qualified at wales and west, should we have picked up a qualifying card? as we have had to do this at small shows, we were so excited that we forgot to check
RiffRaff Posted - 17 May 2010 : 10:12:54 PM
I thought this was the case just someone mentioned a new rule brought in last year however couldnt find anywhere saying about it so thought id check on here. Hopefully i'll get my boy there
Kharidian Posted - 17 May 2010 : 5:23:13 PM
Kharidian qualified as a 3 year old and didn't attend UKIAHS until he was 15 (and hadn't been shown in-hand in the meantime). He attained a bronze medal.

Zarena Posted - 17 May 2010 : 4:15:12 PM
Yes. Once qualified it is for life.
Pasha Posted - 17 May 2010 : 4:09:16 PM
I went and had a look at the schedule and it doesn't specify a date for qualification that I can see (i.e. within the past year or x amount of years), it also states that anyone qualifying for the first time after the closing date of entries, can enter up until August 2nd at double fees, so that would imply that once qualified, you are qualified for life?

I think Shesky has qualified with his previous owner (as he has won medals in-hand) so if we were ever lucky enough to qualify for the ridden, it would be good to do both

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