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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vera Posted - 16 Sep 2009 : 4:16:18 PM
Same format as the other one but this one is nothing specific to do with arabs. So came be anything from physiology to film stars.

I'll start by asking a question, the person who gets it right asks the next question and so on.

I'll start with an easy one.....

Which bone do humans have but horses don't?
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ziadomira Posted - 01 Nov 2016 : 3:27:21 PM
even longer now
purdeysue Posted - 22 Sep 2016 : 9:25:48 PM
A very long time!
moonlight Posted - 25 Nov 2011 : 9:44:04 PM
Must be a good question - it's a long time cooking!!
Goldenmane Posted - 05 Nov 2011 : 2:27:26 PM
Only me! It was 24.3.1918 (thanks Rui for the reminder). Will go and find a question.
moonlight Posted - 04 Nov 2011 : 4:47:59 PM
Ok - enough thinking time-does anyone have the answer?!!!
moonlight Posted - 28 Feb 2011 : 10:53:24 AM
I'll guess December 1918 as the 1st World War ended in November...
Callisto Posted - 29 Jan 2011 : 8:47:22 PM
Aargh! I've got 'The Versatile Arabian Horse' by Rosemary Archer, so it's not on page 124 of that
Goldenmane Posted - 29 Jan 2011 : 7:08:39 PM
Massive clue, 'The Arabian Horse' written by Rosemary Archer, page 124!
Callisto Posted - 29 Jan 2011 : 01:14:58 AM
I can only find 1918, presume you need the day and month
Goldenmane Posted - 18 Jan 2011 : 06:55:55 AM
What is the exact date the Arab Horse Society was founded?
Callisto Posted - 17 Jan 2011 : 10:21:45 AM
Well done! Over to you
Goldenmane Posted - 17 Jan 2011 : 09:09:48 AM
General Robert E. Lee (and very interesting it was reading about him!)
Callisto Posted - 14 Jan 2011 : 11:25:30 AM
Sorry! Forgot to post a question

Whose famous horse was called Traveller?

ETA a hint - military figure
leiat8 Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 1:42:41 PM
check would of accepted any of those but thought black beauty and runaway bride would have been the better known ones
Callisto Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 1:05:10 PM
Not sure what you would term his major roles, but he was in Runaway Bride, The Princess Diaries, Winter People and Black Beauty...
leiat8 Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 12:50:03 PM
okey dokey so........can you tell me the two other big film parts that a chestnut Quarter Horse by the name of Hightower had, other than 'Pilgrim' in the horse whisperer :)
Goldenmane Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 11:01:35 AM
Well done, lovely book!
leiat8 Posted - 12 Jan 2011 : 10:57:55 AM
Marquis MacSwiney of Mashanaglass :)
Goldenmane Posted - 11 Jan 2011 : 11:56:25 AM
Training from the Ground - A Special Approach- anyone know who wrote this? (Changed my life with horses!)
moonlight Posted - 11 Jan 2011 : 08:18:21 AM
general horse quiz?!
doug ault Posted - 16 Nov 2010 : 08:03:33 AM
2 of lifes great unanswered questions

1/ there is no letter' J ' in the welsh lanquage ...where did 'Jones' come from then?

2/ why is it when you fart in the bath always smells of cabbage... even if you haven't eaten any for weeks????
Callisto Posted - 27 Feb 2010 : 01:47:30 AM
Umm, Tina Cook is the Current European Champion, Zara Phillips is the current World Champion, and our eventing team won bronze at the last Olympics with Tina Cook taking individual bronze, so I think we are still winning medals at horse sports. Must admit the show jumpers have been a bit disappointing recently
Annette Posted - 27 Feb 2010 : 12:39:53 AM
Sorry, my question wasn't right. Should have said Arizona Pie, not The Pie, so your answer is correct Moonlight for the "National Velvet" film from the 1940's. Your turn again!

The answer I was looking for was Cornishman V who won double Olympic gold in eventing in 1968. Back then the Brits won medals in horse sports
moonlight Posted - 27 Feb 2010 : 12:01:16 AM
King Charles, a descendant of Man o' War?
Annette Posted - 23 Feb 2010 : 3:39:57 PM
In the 1978 film "International Velvet what was the name of the famous horse who appeared as The Pie?

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