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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Frankel Posted - 03 Jan 2013 : 7:16:07 PM
[b]Hi my name is Steph and I am trying to trace Karen St George Smith, she sold Milhanger Ptolemy (Pel) to my partner Mark and I in 2005. We lost touch and would like to speak with her again.
We lost our beautiful boy on 5th Dec after months of nursing him. He succumbed to lami/pedal bone rotation due to the onset of Cushings. We are heartbroken but he never once lost his spirit and that cheeky sparkle in his eye. He was the most gorgeous creature i have set my eyes on and used to stop traffic and people in their tracks when I rode him. He was pure black and still had the presence of the stallion he once was. I am hoping to get a another Arab, one that will never replace him but will carry on his legacy and be loved by us in the way we loved Pel.
Please if anyone knows Karen please can you ask her to call 01642 284042.
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Horse-wellness Posted - 12 Aug 2017 : 5:48:09 PM
Hello! Very late reaction to this topic, but I just wanted to let you know that I own one of the few offspring of Milhanger Ptolemy. His name is Fantomas, and he is a black arabian stallion, now 20 years old (or young, seen the shape he is in). If you want to know more about him and his offspring, feel free to contact me !
Callisto Posted - 28 Jun 2013 : 6:41:22 PM
Congratulations! and agree - definitely post lots of details on the main discussion page!
joanna_piana Posted - 28 Jun 2013 : 4:05:36 PM
ooh exciting lets have some more detail and piccies. Maybe on the main discussion page so more people can share your good news.
garnet Posted - 25 Jun 2013 : 6:47:00 PM
Excellent news! I'm sure you have some wonderful times coming!
Frankel Posted - 25 Jun 2013 : 12:29:42 PM
I have wonderful news I have bought a lovely Arab gelding. He has just turned five and is very cheeky. I plan on bringing him on and having lots of fun getting to know him.. I am so excited after losing my gorgeous Pel in December this ia a happy ending.People told me that Pel would send me a beautiful new Arab and he has..
RUTHIE Posted - 15 Jan 2013 : 1:00:35 PM
Also sorry for your loss. My lovely Crabbet died 8th November....left a huge, painful gap in my life. RIP Pel and look forward to hearing about your progress in finding a new Arab.
Frankel Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 8:29:41 PM
Thank you Linda and Joanna for your kind words you have cheered me up. I will keep you updated on how I get on looking for my new Arab.
Callisto Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 3:16:19 PM
I second Joanna's post - I am so sorry for your loss, sincerely hoping you can find another special Arab to fill the gaping hole, and please do tell us all about it if you do. RIP Pel
joanna_piana Posted - 14 Jan 2013 : 2:15:13 PM
Sorry to hear you lost your much loved boy but hope you can find another lovely arab to help ease the pain. If you do we'd love to hear about him/her.
Frankel Posted - 07 Jan 2013 : 6:46:48 PM
We have now located Karen, thank you Arabian Lines.

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