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T O P I C    R E V I E W
natntaz Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 7:21:01 PM
Went to Brook farm showing today, I know we wasn't
In an Arab class as they didn't have one., We went in
Riding horse class. Was really pleased with Boo as he
Was such a good boy and happy that all Viks work is
Finally coming good. It's just a shame that there isn't
More Arab classes as it is hard to prepare for area
Shows without classes for Arabs locally
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
natntaz Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 3:55:08 PM
Tracey I'm not organised lol. I just get him ready conditioning and stuff , Vik pics the shows and casmin organises the paperwork. They motivate me so it's a bit of a team effort
loulou Posted - 11 Feb 2013 : 1:18:34 PM
Great Natalie _ am sure we have probably seen each other in passing but don't realise who people are, as we are both in Essex too! I always attend hocon as it's our local show, think we may try and fit brook farm in as an early warmup but we're not as organised as you!

Tracey x
natntaz Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 10:57:12 PM
Thanks Tracey, I think Vic did mention about going to
The south east region one. We just wanted to get a
Couple of local ones to get back into the ring again .
Might see you at some this year we have met quite
A few members from on here which is always nice.
natntaz Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 10:52:08 PM
Leah, it wasn't till afterwards I realised as usual I didn't
Get any pics. As usual I am to busy worrying about him
Naughty lol. I will have to see if Nik got any !!
loulou Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 5:03:56 PM
Natalie, what about the spring shows? Ideal to get them out without the pressure of a c show. We are going to hopefully go to s.e. Spring show at merrist wood which is so well run and friendly too. Just helps to get a show under your belt with the babies especially before the bigger ones. :-)

Tracey x
Daniel Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 4:22:55 PM
Glad you had a good one..... Any pics? X
natntaz Posted - 10 Feb 2013 : 3:18:32 PM
Vik I dunno where you get your energy from " roll on the next one "
All I feel like doing is staying in bed for a week

It's so much nicer in the summer
pinkvboots Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 10:33:38 PM
I think their is an Arab class in the April at Brook Farm, I have just moved to Hertfordshire and most of the local ones to me don't have Arab classes, some have Foreign Breed ones so I could do those,if I manage to find any little ones I will let you know, Vikki you did a great job showing him today well done hope to see you around Liz x
Vikki Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 10:13:45 PM
Nice to meet you too pinkvboots.

It is a shame that there is not many arab classes around but I can understand why if they are not supported.

Well that's the first show of the year out the way. Roll on the next one !!
natntaz Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 8:09:14 PM
Thank you, it was nice to meet you to. The
Weather did turn horrible as we left. Have to
Say was glad to get home not so keen on after
-noon classes.
We will defo come and say hi if we see you at a show.
pinkvboots Posted - 09 Feb 2013 : 7:41:06 PM
It was lovely to meet you and the others, Boo looked great even my non horsey partner commented on how well he looked, just a shame it was so cold we were freezing and once it started raining we left, hopefully we will see you again this year as I am hoping to get Arabi out so come and say hi if you see us. Well done for today x

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