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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vik1 Posted - 28 Sep 2012 : 6:08:47 PM
My 3yo gelding had his first experience of the equine dentist today. He stood like a pro! Im quite glad he hasnt taken a leaf out the older ones book about it.

I was quite nervous but the dentist is great with them and she just took her time. By end he was standing resting his leg, lol.

She said hes got great teeth, in perfect alignment but a very fleshy mouth so will have to be careful what bits to put on him. Id kind of figured that out already tho. No tushes or wolf teeth and he had one cap left, which I now have to put in my memory box.

here is its
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
debs Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 9:09:30 PM
Ah what a good boy! I still have Gizmos caps.... missed Ali's. Isn't it great when they have a good start with dentists farriers etc...makes life so much easier
honey Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 8:45:21 PM
aww thats great i wish milo was 3 before his first dental treatment but hes going to need some extensive dental treatment by the time hes 3 if his adult teeth come throw the same as his baby teeth.
TanyanChewy Posted - 03 Oct 2012 : 10:09:17 AM
Bless him!
Gerri Posted - 02 Oct 2012 : 11:55:25 PM
Ahhhh, your as bad as me
Vik1 Posted - 28 Sep 2012 : 7:52:29 PM
He got a new cherry flavoured likit from the tooth fairy this afternoon. He was very pleased!

Think kids get about a fiver now. I used to get 20p for a front tooth, 50p for molar.
sab2 Posted - 28 Sep 2012 : 7:05:51 PM
Glad all went well, pop it under his straw pillow for him, used to be sixpence when i was little wonder what children get now for a tooth now.
Pop Posted - 28 Sep 2012 : 6:17:13 PM

oooozing pride

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