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T O P I C    R E V I E W
pintoarabian Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 7:38:29 PM
The recent Perfect Child's Pony thread caused caused some chuckles and some safety concerns. I just came across this link of Ed being good and it looks like Ross has managed to get the upper hand. What a fantastic kid he is.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Anne C Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 10:03:11 PM

There were a lot of negative comments on another site where this was shown but I always thought it was ponies like Ed that taught us all to ride. My son had a really, really naughty Welsh C, he was put on the floor many a time but my son ended up with a really good seat. Wish I could sit a buck like he could!!

Well done Ross, he obviously loved Ed to pieces.

Mrs Vlacq Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 9:52:20 PM
he's a smart little pony, in omre ways than one
sab2 Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 9:18:32 PM
I love this little pony, and what a star Ross is going to be after his training from Ed. I wish both Ross and Ed the very best of luck.
Nut Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 8:38:23 PM
Awww that little chaps gonna be a great gutsy rider
Callisto Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 8:10:51 PM
I saw the original video on another forum, and Ross's grandmother who made the video had felt obliged to explain that a) Ed was a marvellous leading rein pony, but Ross didn't want to be on a leading rein any more b) Ross absolutely adored Ed (I think that shows) c) Ed behaved himself as per the video above most of the time BUT sometimes he was naughty, they were sending him off to be reschooled and she made the compilation video of him misbehaving to show what he could be like, because he was so good most of the time they might not be believed. Ross now has another larger pony who is better behaved, and Ed has a new career as a driving pony. I must admit I love watching them
stuart Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 7:59:08 PM
Forwarding to my sister as a guideline.......

I think Ross has got it sussed now!

Edited to add - just watched the 'Naughty Ed' version........jeepers!

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