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T O P I C    R E V I E W
leiat8 Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:39:02 PM
not really an araby subject but i am taking my boy fargo to moorgreen country show next monday to do a 2yr old sports horse class and i really don't know how i should turn him out eeek i know some of you have other breeds so hope you can help
shall i show him in a flat hunter type bridle or is a raised cavesson ok?
whats the best way to plait him?
am i ok in shirt, tie, black trousers and tweed jacket?
quarter markings???

OMG i think im going to die!!!!

here are a couple of pics of him if it helps.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Freya and Ceece Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 8:15:44 PM
You should be plaiting his tail for sport horse classes, hunters and cobs are normally pulled (in my experience anyway). You will need to neaten it up at the bottom though (doesn't need to be any shorter, just straight across).
Plait his mane down the night before with bands, then roll them up and sew in the morning, much easier! You probably know already, 11 plaits in the mane and one in his forelock. I find it makes forelocks neater if you french braid as far as possible, then plait to the end and tuck it in the gap under the french braid, then sew. Make sure your plaits lay to the offside. You may need to make them quite tight, it looks like his mane lays on the left. Hair gel or a wet comb can help (and lots of hairspray if he doesn't mind, same for quarter marks).
Many people wear a normal show riding hat for in hand (especially with silly younsters), it's up to you. Go for light brown or grey trousers because he is dark. You don't want it to look like your horse has six legs (like in my pic of Ceece jumping)!
You shouldn't be marked down for leaving his whiskers, but make sure to trim off his feathers and any 'beardiness' under his chin.
You should be fine showing in a raised snaffle bridle and leather lead, it's not a hunter class so you don't need a hunter bridle.
Any quarter markings are up to you, but avoid fancy ones (flags, flowers, etc) as many judges don't like them.
Hope this helps, good luck!
leiat8 Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 7:23:42 PM
thanks, babs iv looked on your web and don't think I'm gonna get him looking quite that

also don't think om gonna be able to get a beagler cap in time, a friend has said she will help me plait his mane but she can only do it the night before so i hope to god he stays very still while hes in for the night( he usually lives out )
mum wont let me pull his tail ( don't ask ) so is it OK to plait his tail?

i know I'm supposed to take off his whiskers but hes the type that if i do hes bound to bang his face etc, will i get marked down for it??

thanks again
MinHe Posted - 24 Aug 2010 : 12:10:29 AM
Originally posted by BabsR

Definitly No...not jods!!....light coloured trousers or cords, jod boots with good tread to help you grip as you run out.

I stand corrected - you can tell how long it is since I showed anything but purebreds

BabsR Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 10:03:48 PM
Definitly No...not jods!!....light coloured trousers or cords, jod boots with good tread to help you grip as you run out. Hacking Jacket, Shirt and Tie and Beagler Cap, Gloves and Show Cane

Horse, plain in-hand youngstock bridle plain browband, with snaffle or similar bit and leather lead reign. Mane to be plaited and stitched in place, preferably not rubber bands Tail needs thinning/pulling at dock and cut off straight four inches below hocks Trim any feathers on his heels to give a nice clean line to his legs. Quarter markings optional

You are welcome to visit our website, which may help you with your horses and your own turnout. Hope you enjoy and good luck at Moorgreen Show. Pics please so take your camera!!

moatside Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 9:05:05 PM
As he has dark legs I would opt for lighter coloured trousers - tweed jacket is fine. As for plaits - can't really help as I only show Welsh ones but I am sure someone on here will be able to help you.

Good luck at Moorgreen - had many a good day there
MinHe Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 8:57:08 PM
If in doubt, you can't go wring with a flat hunter bridle! Not sure, but *think* jodhs would be better than trousers. Can't help with the plaiting as only had purebreds, hence it's not something I do

Good luck at Moorgreen!


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