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sab2 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 12:51:35 PM

Never done this before i hope this works.
25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
elgar polish prince Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 3:25:24 PM
I have to agree with you very dangerous and wouldnt be putting my little one on mr ed! what did make me laugh tho was the owner of the video camera they diddnt even flinch while the little lad hit the deck
dinkidoo Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 2:41:18 PM
No Saddlebred not the only one not to find this funny I watched in horror!

As a mum of 2 tiny little girls just learning to ride i worry if their pony so much as twitches his ear the wrong way, there is no way on this earth i would let them ride that little demon. It is purely an accident waiting to happen, he drags him under his belly after one of the falls and stands on him in another.

As a child i rode many, many 'problem' ponies but they would never get me off and always progressed to be nice people once their troubles had been ironed out, this little sod doesn't like the job he is meant to be doing after all childrens ponies are meant to be safe.

Maybe a one off you've been framed type moment would have made me smile but the constant dangerous behaviour on many different days is just ludicrous in my opinion!
saddlebred Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 12:45:45 PM
Am I the only one who thinks this pony is just an accident waiting to happen? I didnt find it funny at all. That little boy could end up seriously injured - he was under his legs many times and that naughty buck throws the little lad at such an angle my heart was in my mouth that he would land on his little neck. The shot with him being dragged and bolted with followed by a buck into the fence was also very perturbing.

I wouldnt let any child anywhere near that pony. I think he is a little monster. Horrid little thing.
Callisto Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 10:34:56 PM
What a little monster, and what a cracking kid - doesn't look like he'll be put off very easily, and I think he'll have a very secure seat in the future, it made me laugh a lot ( and my first pony bucked a lot, rolled a lot and refused a lot, I adored her ).
Mrs Vlacq Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 10:28:43 PM
howled with laughter at that!!!!! could easily have been Guppy, resident 'evil' pony here for decades..... angel is stage managed but give her an inch.....
badders Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 10:26:39 PM
Isnt it awful when we laught at other peoples trips, slips and falls..... however this was one of the most funny and heart warming videos Ive seen in ages. the boy obviously loves naughty pony to bits. i rode a sect a as a child called sparrow who was very similar but great fun.
rosie Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 10:15:26 PM
I know I shouldn't but me & Chelle were crying with laughter watching this!
Cracking gutsy rider
natntaz Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 9:00:33 PM
OMG he is a little monster pony, but how funny to
watch. That little boy has guts !
Nut Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 8:39:43 PM
That made me laugh so much, brings back memories of those 1st riding school ponies that taught you how to stay on That little boy is a star!
rasaljadi Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 8:30:35 PM
God that made me laugh, when the little monkey rolled ha ha, that little boy is a star. I must say i would love to sit on that pony and sort it out.
Honeyb060674 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 7:20:52 PM
What a little horror, the kind that would happily unseat an adult too I'm guessing!! I confess to laughing alot too though, hands up who ever rode a pony like that as a child !!
What a cracking little boy though, tough as old boots
Suelin Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 7:13:39 PM
Sorry but I couldn't help but laugh either. What a little sod of a pony. I do take my hat off to the kiddie though, very gutsy to keep getting on again and again.
marionpack Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 6:56:19 PM
Brilliant, it did make me laugh, but what a gutsy child to keep getting back on, should have a good seat when older
HORSE Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 6:52:44 PM
Sorry but I've never stopped laughing,, what I love is the litle boy seems to love it and when the pony rolls giggled more just lastcweek took a girl with a naughty pony to a walk and trot test and when he came out rolled and that wasn't staged wish I had my camcorder priceless,,,,
ella Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 5:58:33 PM
Must be the toughest, bravest, rubber-ball of a kid ever!
Djinn Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 4:56:39 PM
What a rascal! That kid deserves a medal for sheer perseverance!
Claire Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 4:38:55 PM
Ed reminds me very much of my william- bucking and then casually dropping the shoulder was one of his best tricks- only difference being he would have raced over the jump and then stopped and tipped me off afterwards - it certainly didn't put me off - every horse I got on after was something of a relief though!

Must say though I am probably not the best rider in the world I rarely fall off or get unseated so I guess I have William to thank!

I was chuckling at that although some of the falls were rather nasty poor little boy..
Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 4:11:10 PM
I can't see the vid but is this Ross & Ed doing the rounds on FB?

I nearly cried with laughter when the little toad rolled! Bless them both - he may be a complete little bugger but you got to love him, as the family clearly did!

We had some ponies when we were younger of a similar persuasion and it didn't put us off
scooter1 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:50:44 PM
the pony is a little b....r,i would not put a family child on it. the child was brilliant and so persistent it did make me laugh.
Kharidian Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:22:48 PM
What a little sod! A very gutsy little boy - I hope it hasn't put him off.

pat day Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:28:09 PM
Oh My, I am laughing so much, but feel awful because I should not be.
Agree, the pony knows all the tricks, naughty pony.!!

I would not put my grandaughter on him.
She can stick to my five arabs, even Honique and Boneeta, who are not 'backed', are as good as gold with Gracie.
I must send the link to my sister.
Kazhak Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:47:42 PM
aarrgggh ha ha haaa I had a good laugh at that one what a great pony to teach perserverance & of how to fall.
although some of that looked a bit staged, like the pony was taught to lie down,
moatside Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:43:55 PM
That made me laugh!! Reminded me of my son's first pony a very naughty 11.2hh chestnut gelding... it/he did not put Kai off - he still rides at 18 but tends to prefer mares. I wonder why
joanna_piana Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:23:13 PM
You'd think they could get him something decent to ride though wouldn't otherwise he may well be put off for life!
kirst Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:14:40 PM
LOL!!! Oh bless he looks like a budding Frankie Dettori to me. What a wonderful wee lad!

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