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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 11:36:56 AM
Has anyone used it and how did you manage to get it in?

I tried to give Shesky some last night and the syringe is soo huuge I ended up squirting half out before I got to his mouth and then we both got covered in the little bit that was left

Needless to say it had no effect what-so-ever and to be honest I am not expecting it to as cannot for the life of me work-out how carbonated water can have a calming effect BUT have 2 more shots in the syringe so want to give it another go

25   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Pasha Posted - 23 Aug 2010 : 09:23:45 AM
Thanks guys for all of your posts

Well I can honestly say that neither Oxyshot, nor music work on my little Toad!!! Managed to get the last shot in the syringe in yesterday and there was music playing, but he was a bit full of himself and naughty Won't say anymore than that !

He finished his magnesium yesterday (which he has been on in either the form of NAF Magic or MagOx since January) so i'm going to let him be au naturel and see how we go - only have 1 show and 1 champs left so nothing to lose he he At least he is FIT - thought he was going to take off at one point lol!

Sarah x
Zena Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 11:16:21 PM
totally agree with lehla what works for one doesnt always work for another .ive used Temprelax liquid form on a connamara x highland to help him settle to do a dressage test but by god when they start coming round from the effects its not nice he was like a raging bull but also same stuff on a thoroughbred did not work . Naf relax now (naf magic) on a welsh cob who had bad start in life and was unmanagable and bolted this worked on him he turned into a nice allrounder but when i went to take it of him because i dont agree with keeping horses on calming supplements long term he became unmanagable to point of dangerous so had to stay on it .he was a stressy coiled ball so think the magnesium calmed his stomach .my own theory :) but that supplement didnt work on the conn x highland mentioned previous .its all trial and error so many and so confusing :)
lehla Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 10:25:44 PM
hi sarah just my opinion for what its worth ive tried this i can honestly say it made him worse as you know with supplements what works for one wont work for another sorry not much use lehla
Rozy Rider Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 2:31:57 PM
Oxyshot is not a waste of money if it works for you..
Might help to give it a try before you comment.. It does work for some, with good results..

Dot Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 1:05:23 PM
comment was not intended to come over as harsh, unfortunately this is a common problem with email and forums that because you are not face to face you do not get to see how comments were intended as you don't see the facial expressions that go with the conversation.

As far am I concerned we all waste our money in ways that suit us as individuals.
Ryans_gem Posted - 22 Aug 2010 : 12:38:57 PM
Has anyone used Topspec calmer considering buying some
Kazhak Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 11:47:21 PM
I would recommend the Magnesium, I take Magnesium for my own health & I find it helps regulate my own moods..

was also thinking my Arabian pony mare used to work herself up when out for a ride for example she would shy at a leaf moving on the road, then a 100 metres down the road she would do a bigger shy at something else & so on until she was nearly jumping across the road at a butterfly flying between her ears.. for some reason I decided I liked having music going when I ride so I rigged my Mp3 player with external speakers so both of us could hear the music & we stopped having problems with the shying! she's much older now & we no longer always have the music going. I like to think the music helped take her mind off all the would be scarey things that might pop
Zena Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 11:37:41 PM
hi yes oxishot does work apart from your top riders using it i know of certain friends whos have been at their wits end sorting out turnout/feed /workload to still have an exuberant horse on their hands and turned to this especially when showing in unfamiliar territory and it so works. for DOT to have that opinion please give us the secrect key u hold to ALL horses and their individual behaviour and tempremant that u seem to think u have the answer for???? and no i aint bein bitchy would like u to spell it out for me what is your secret??
phoenixbruka Posted - 21 Aug 2010 : 9:31:50 PM
I have used it and it definitely works!

If you read the write up on their website it gives you a full scientific reasoning as to how and why it works..

The "water" is oxygenated under pressure so I suppose its a bit like having pure oxygen for us??

You have to put the syringe right to the back of the tongue and the hold head up like you would if you were trying to get them to swallow a wormer

sab2 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 9:13:46 PM
My friend uses Relax Me on one of her eventers as he is very stressy in the dressage and at the min it is working.
rasaljadi Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 8:51:17 PM
I have tried this and yes it did work though i think each horse is very different and you will need to try it for yourself.
Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:43:18 PM
Thanks guys - did have a look Sazzle when you recommended them before and can't see that they are much different to what he gets in his balancer already?

Templars - I had a quick look and seems the Equiform are different? They have natural flower remedies, B vitamins. magnesium and tryptophan... might give that a go as the Oxyshot is just water I think? Certainly is the consistency of water hence my problems getting it down his throat

Too late for this weekend - we'll just have to cope eek! If I fall off I am asking Oxyshot for a refund
sazzlepants71 Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:36:23 PM
hi pasha , lakota salts + Prevent - salts on daily basis ( been around for a while ) they are gluber salts 100000's yrs old so guess u might say they may have some scientific backing lol
try feeding prevent(separate supplement) 2 days before event as well as the daily dose of salts.
made by badmington horse feeds..only thing that worked on my partbred who was particular jiggle bottom at events!
lakota salts may help with laminitics as well so there are other 'aspects' as well as the calming , good luck x
templars Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:26:45 PM
We had massive problems with Harry who is a complete stress head. We use Equiform calming supplements in his feed every day and he gets their calming syringe (equivalent of Oxyshot) 2 hours before the dressage phase on a competition day and it lasts all day.

I believe the underlying issue is magnesium depletion that causes lack of oxygen so by giving a quick blast of magnesium, the horse is able to better use oxygen.

I don't really care if's a placebo or not - it works for Harry and he's much happier and that's all that matters in the end. We've found a non aggressive way of helping to keep him safe and so we're happy too.
Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 3:12:25 PM
Thanks Angie - I didn't feed the NAF Magic and MagOx at the same time - he also has Yea Sacc (and previously Equine Gold).

Might just have to admit defeat with the Showing - large classes do not suit him! And stick to dressage!

Can cope with the hacking, as like I said, as long as I whisper sweat nothings in his ear he is fine - even when I try to take a bin out with my foot like I did last night - oops - poor boy really doesn't stand a chance
fidodido Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:40:33 PM
Sounds a bit like my mare (although i would actually say she is 'hot' aswell), but her main problem is she gets tense because she almost tries to hard to do what you are asking and then gets her knickers in a knot when you try to half halt/bring her back abit.

Perhaps they don't work on shesky because your already feeding the MagOX, I just found with my mare the more constitant work she did with lots of flexion, transitions and half halts improved her concentration. Like shesky though when i hacked out in company the fitter she got the worse she was if she did have a stressy fit although they where fewer and far between.

Sounds to me like your doing all you can and the more you do with him the better he will get .

Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:26:52 PM
I already feed MagOx, more for metabolic/weight reasons than calming, although I tried NAF Magic and he seemed more tense!

It's weird as he isn't a 'hot' horse, but a worrier! He gets very tense working with other horses (although is a 100% better than he was) and I have to constantly chat to him out hacking - he starts stressing at the bit and then gets his tongue over it and then panics)! Seems to be getting worse the fitter he gets! I did start to think it was me, but we are fine in the dressage arena on our own - even the judge doesn't scare us !
Misshana Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:23:43 PM
My sister has a Trakaener gelding who competes high level dressage with prof rider. He is very stressy and unpredictable. They use it on him and swear by it. Have not used it myself so cannot comment.
Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:21:32 PM
Originally posted by RAFA

Thought it was something for the eyes had to google it


Lol Janet
Kazzy Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:16:06 PM
Thought it was something for the eyes had to google it

fidodido Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 2:14:02 PM
I've tried it on my mare as somone gave me a couple of syringes, but like you i was sceptical about how it would work and it didn't. Although Dot's comment does come across as being a little harsh, i was off the opinion that i may have well just squirted some tap water down her throat.

I friend of mine has been feeding magnesium powder to her andulsian colt and this does seem to have some affect on him and i have thought about giving it a try on my mare. I did try the instant magic syringes made by NAF but again they didn't seem to have a lot of affect either.

Pasha Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 1:55:28 PM
No worries Tina!

Just edited my reply as havent yet fallen out with anyone on here and not going to start now!

Needless to say YES I do waste money on stuff that is useless but I like to learn by my own mistakes and as long as my boys don't suffer it's up to me... I am very sceptical on this stuff working but just have to try it for myself
Tzarina Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 12:49:03 PM
Why lately on this forum cant anyone express an opinion or ask for advice without getting shot down in flames, its the reason I have absented myself . Pasha, I'm sorry to butt in on your thread.
Dot Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 12:45:27 PM
glad to see you have money to send on a product with no basis scientific or wise for working then a placebo effect on the riders psychology.
Emma B Posted - 20 Aug 2010 : 12:22:44 PM
sarah have emailed you Emx

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